Résolutions et documents techniques du Comité régional

Cinquante-quatrième session, Le Caire (Égypte), 2007

Medicine prices and access to medicines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, technical paper [pdf 100kb] - Résolution [pdf 23kb] 

Cinquante-troisième session, Ispahan (République islamique d'Iran), 9-12 septembre 2006

Draft regional guidelines on stability testing of active substances and pharmaceutical products, technical paper [162.60kb]  - Resolution [20.18kb]

Cinquante-deuxième session, Le Caire (Égypte), 24-27 septembre 2005

The Unified Medical Dictionary: Progress achieved and future prospects, Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, technical paper [pdf 109kb]

Cinquante-et-unième session, Le Caire (Égypte), 3-6 octobre 2004

Vaccine development, accessibility and availability: towards self-sufficiency in the Eastern Mediterranean Region [pdf 28kb]

Quarante-neuvième session, Le Caire (Égypte), 30 septembre-3 octobre 2002

Antimicrobial resistance and rational use of antimicrobial agents [pdf 678kb]

The WHO strategy for traditional medicine: review of the global situation and strategy implementation in the Eastern Mediterranean Region health and human security [pdf 471kb]

Traditional medicine [pdf 13kb]

Quarante-septième session, Le Caire (Égypte), 1-4 octobre 2000

The implications of GATT and WTO agreements on health in general [pdf 14kb] 

Quarante-cinquième session, Beyrouth (Liban), 3-6 octobre 1998

Regional self-reliance in the production of essential drugs and vaccines [pdf 31kb] 

Quarante-quatrième session, Beirouth (Liban), 4-7 octobre 1997

Appropriate health technology [pdf 27kb]

Trente-troisième session, Koweït (Koweït), 1986

The rational use of drugs [pdf 25kb]

Registration of herbal medicines, resolution [pdf 16kb]

 Résolutions de l'Assemblée mondiale de la Santé

Resolution WHA 60.16, 2007 on progress in the rational use of medicines

 Documents connexes

Secretariat's report on progress in the rational use of medicines 2007

Progress report on resolution WHA60.16 in 2009

The pursuit of responsible use of medicines: sharing and learning from country experiences