31 May 2024

Young people are at risk. They are being targeted by the tobacco industry to take up traditional and new tobacco products. The industry is desperate to attract the younger generation. It is using different promotional activities, different products and even false health claims to achieve this purpose.

The most recent data from the Eastern Mediterranean Region are alarming. Some of our Member States have some of the highest rates of tobacco use among adolescents aged 13–15 years in the world. Countries of the Region report smoking rates as high as 42% among boys and 20% among girls.

We must bring these numbers down if the Region is to achieve the global target of a 30% reduction in tobacco use by 2030. That means implementing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, including through the highest level of MPOWER policies.

World No Tobacco Day is a chance to alert young people to the dangers of tobacco and nicotine products. The industry’s only aim is to keep profits up – whatever the cost in ruined health and lives.

Today, we have a clear message, to governments, young people, nongovernmental organizations, civil society, schools and colleges: let us prioritize the protection

of children and young people. They are the adults of tomorrow and the future of this Region.