WHO condemns attacks on 3 health facilities in north-west Syria

These attacks reflect a worrying trend: 3 hospitals attacked in just 3 days and the latest in a total of 11 attacks on health in Syria this year.

“We are extremely concerned about the delivery of life-saving health services in the face of these attacks. Not only are the health facilities attacked, but health workers working on the front-line with extremely limited resources are put in grave danger as well,” said Rick Brennan, Regional Emergency Director for the Eastern Mediterranean.

WHO urges all parties in the conflict in Syria to respect the safety and neutrality of health workers and health facilities. Tragedies like this can and should be avoided by warring parties as obligated under International Humanitarian Law.

For more information, contact:

Lieke Visser
Communication Officer in Gaziantep
Mobile: +90 53 85 44 29 57

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