Emergency Health and Nutrition Project

Launched in 2017, the Yemen Emergency Health and Nutrition Project aims to contribute to the provision of basic health, essential nutrition, and water and sanitation services across Yemen in all 333 districts and 22 governorates. The project is jointly implemented by WHO and UNICEF, leveraging each organizations’ comparative advantage and areas of expertise along with partnership and support of the World Bank. 

The project aims to support the national health system through financing health and nutrition services and assists in maintaining the existing health system capacity through support and engagement of public health facilities and communities.  

The project has 3 main components:

  1. Improving Access to Health, Nutrition, Public Health and Water and Sanitation Services.
  2. Project Support, Management, Evaluation and Administration.
  3. Contingent Emergency Response.

For adequate implementation of the project activities following the environmental and social safeguards requirements, the following documents have been developed and published. Both documents are applicable to any activities financed by the project to ensure adequate protection for the personnel, environment and communities from any adverse impact resulted from the implemented activities.

Environmental and Social Management Framework

The objective of the Environmental and Social Management Framework is to provide guidance to implementers to ensure the environmental and social assessment process is carried out in compliance with national legislation and World Bank's safeguard policies. The framework sets out the principles, rules, guidelines and procedures to screen, assess, manage and monitor the mitigation measure of environmental and social risks associated with the project activities, subprojects and should provide guidance for development of intervention checklists or simplified site-specific environmental and social management plans, and according to the potential impact significance of each proposed subproject.

The framework establishes clear directives and methodologies for the evaluation of subprojects to be financed, and ensure that the activities are environmentally and socially sound and sustainable. It is also in compliance with the environmental and social laws and legislation of Yemen, and the guidelines of WHO and UNICEF as implementing agencies.

Environmental and Social Management Framework| Arabic

Medical Waste Management Plan

The objective of the Medical Waste Management Plan is to prevent and/or mitigate the negative impacts of medical waste on human health and the environment. The plan includes advocacy for good practices in medical waste management and is to be used by health, sanitary and cleaning workers who manage medical waste in the supported facilities or activities.

All health facilities and health services supported through the World Bank should have appropriate procedures and capacities in place to manage medical waste, therefore, this plan includes good practices and procedures for the waste packaging, storage, segregation, transportation, treatment and disposal. 

Medical Waste Management Plan | Arabic

Environmental and social management plans

For subprojects that involve civil work activities and implemented under the Emergency Health and Nutrition Project, the environmental and social management plan will be prepared for each subproject to ensure the associated environmental and social risks are properly identified and managed. 

An environmental and social management plan consists of the set of mitigation, monitoring and institutional measures to be taken during implementation and operation of an activity to eliminate adverse environmental and social risks and impacts, offsets them, or reduce them to acceptable levels. It also defines the activities summary, level of responsibilities, communication summary, reporting and monitoring requirements, as well as the grievance mechanism requirements.

Environmental and social management plan of waste treatment units installation

Rehabilitation of Rainwater Channel Bajil Hospital | Arabic  

WASH maintenance Al-Thawrah Hospital Sana'a | Arabic  

Rehabilitation of Aden Central Public Health Laboratory | Arabic