Situation reports on the flooding in Yemen

Situation update, 17 August 2022

Intense rains and devastating floods are continuing across Yemen affecting shelters, livelihoods and water sources of approximately 35 000 households, mostly in displacement sites and settlements.

Heavy rainfall is expected to continue until 20 August, likely causing further displacement of households especially in lowlands of Al Hodeidah, Al Mahwit, Hadramawt, Hajjah, Lahj, Raymah, Sa’dah, Sana’a, Shabwah and Ta’iz governorates.

The districts of Ma’rib City and Ma’rib (Al Wadi) and Abs currently have the highest concentration of affected families. OCHA and sub-national clusters are coordinating with partners to mobilize a response given floods continue to pose a serious threat to displaced populations.

Situation report, Issue 1, August 2022