Information, Evidence and Research

Research Promotion Newsletter
November 2016
» News brief
The WHO Regional Office is pleased to announce the tenth call for research proposals under the grant for Research in Priority Areas of Public Health (2016–2017). The award amount will range from US$ 10 000 to US$ 15 000 for each proposal.
» Investment in research: WHO-funded research generates new studies
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among Yemeni children residing in malaria-endemic areas of Hodeidah governorate and evaluation of a rapid diagnostic test for its detection (Yemen)
This project received funding from the WHO TDR Small Grant Scheme, and was conducted by researchers from the Tropical Disease Research Center and Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Science and Technology, Sana’a University, Yemen.
Effect of vitamin D replacement on maternal and neonatal outcomes: a randomised controlled trial in pregnant women with hypovitaminosis D (Lebanon)
This project received partial funding from the WHO Regional Office under the EMRPPH grant scheme, and is being conducted by researchers from the American University of Beirut, College of Medicine, Lebanon, among pregnant women presenting to the American University of Beirut obstetrics and gynaecology clinics.
Situational analysis of bioethics in the Region
2015 – WHO carried out a situation analysis of bioethics in the Region with special emphasis on health research to provide opportunities for further understanding of the challenges and needs for observing bioethics in the Region and to identify areas of progress and improvement in bioethics for each country. The survey identified key challenges faced by countries.
» Meetings
UNESCO/WHO regional directors meet in support of bioethics
9 May 2016 – UNESCO and WHO regional directors met to streamline complementary work in the field of bioethics. A plan of action was agreed upon with clear identification of roles and responsibilities for each agency in line with regional bioethics priorities, with special emphasis on establishment of national bioethics committees, health professional education and disaster ethics.
Expert consultation on evidence-based guideline development and adaptation in the Region
18–19 November 2015 – An expert consultation on evidence-based guideline development and adaptation reviewed and discussed global/regional experiences and methodologies for evidence-based guideline adoption and adaptation and reached agreement on the main approaches for a framework of action.
Meeting of the Eastern Mediterranean Research Ethics Review Committee
6–7 September 2015 – The Research Ethics Review Committee met to review their work to ensure compatibility with international guidelines for review of health research on human subjects, update the current review process and discuss new health research challenges in the Region. The meeting concluded with a list of recommendations for countries and WHO.
Meeting of the Eastern Mediterranean Advisory Committee on Health Research
6–7 July 2015 – The Advisory Committee on Health Research and international research experts met to discuss revised terms of reference, streamline research activities with the five strategic health priorities for the Region and discuss best methods to support capacity-building for health research.
Third meeting of WHO collaborating centres in Cairo
29–30 April 2015 –This third meeting, including directors of collaborating centres and WHO technical staff, reviewed general rules and policies regulating designation or re-designation of collaborating centres, discussed challenges in implementing planned activities and orienting centres with regard to WHO’s strategic priorities.
» Capacity-building and training activities
Capacity-building workshop in developing policy brief
27 September 2016 – A training of trainers workshop aimed to build national capacity in developing policy briefs. Policy briefs are needed to enable translation of available research evidence to support sound health policy-making, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Capacity-building workshop in research methods and ethics
19–22 July 2016 – A joint training workshop, organized by the WHO–TDR programme and research promotion and development programme provided participants with the necessary knowledge and skills for human research management and to help scientists understand the importance of ethical and quality principles in conducting human health research.
Improving programme implementation through embedded research (iPIER) workshop
16–18 May 2016 – A workshop was conducted at the WHO Regional Office on iPIER, supported by the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, focusing on data management and implementation strategies. The objectives of the workshop were to assist principal investigators of iPIER research grants in data management and interpretation and develop an implementation strategy and report findings in peer-reviewed journals.
SUPPORT summary workshop: evidence for policy-makers
15–18 November 2015 – WHO, in collaboration with the Norwegian Knowledge Center for Health Services, conducted a workshop on developing SUPPORT summaries. The objective of the workshop was to train participants on preparing user-friendly summaries of systematic reviews of health system evidence for policy-makers and stakeholders in low- and middle-income countries using a hands-on interactive approach.
» Scope of work

The Research Promotion and Development Programme aims to:
support and promote the development of research for health policies that foster strengthening of national health research systems;
provide support and technical assistance to build capacities and resources for improved research for health conduct and its utilization;
support research for health in priority areas of public health and develop effective mechanisms to disseminate and share knowledge and information;
promote and advocate adherence to ethical practices, moral values and principles of equity and fairness in research for health;
develop effective linkages and partnerships with international research for health agencies to augment regional research for health capability;
identify new and emerging trends in research for health, knowledge generation and technology development that have a strong potential for improving health, and supporting their utilization to strengthen health systems;
promote and collaborate in effective management of WHO collaborating centres.
Contact us
Research Promotion and Development Programme
Department of Information, Evidence and Research
World Health Organization
Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean
WHO Street, extension of:
Abdel-Razak El-Sanhouri Street
P.O.Box 7608, Nasr City (11371)
Cairo, Egypt