Information bulletin

Date and location

The venue of the Sixty-fourth session of the WHO Regional Committee is the Serena Hotel. This hotel is located on Khayaban-e-Suhrawardy, Islamabad; around 16 km from the airport (30 minutes by car).

The Sixty-fourth session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean is scheduled to take place in the Serena Hotel, Islamabad, Pakistan from Monday 9 October to Thursday 12 October 2017, inclusive. 


Opposite Convention Centre, Islamabad 44000
Tel: (+92) 51 287 4000
Fax: (+92) 51 287 1092

Serena Hotel

On 9 October 2017, at 09.00, the pre-RC technical meetings will take place in (Sheesh Mahal, Hall # 2 and 3), followed by the inaugural session of the Regional Committee, in the same hall, at 19:00.

Registration for participation

The registration form for participation in the Sixty-fourth session of the Regional Committee is attached as Annex A. Each participant should complete the form and return it to the WHO Secretariat not later than 31 August 2017.

Membership and attendance

The Regional Committee shall consist of representatives one from each country of WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region. The representatives may be accompanied by alternates and advisers (Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure).

The Regional Director, in consultation with the Regional Committee, may invite States not members of the Committee to participate without vote in the sessions of the Committee. The Regional Director, in consultation with the Regional Committee, may also invite nongovernmental organizations to participate in the deliberations of the Committee (Rule 2 of the Rules of Procedure).


The Member States shall communicate to the Regional Director, not less than 15 days before the date fixed for the opening of the session of the Committee, the name of their representatives, including all alternates and advisers. Similarly organizations and States invited to be represented at the session shall communicate the names of the persons by whom they will be represented. The credentials of representatives and names of alternates, advisers and observers shall be submitted to the Regional Director if possible not less than two days before the opening of the session of the Regional Committee. Such credentials shall be issued by the Head of State, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health or any other appropriate authority (Rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure).

Working languages

The working languages of the Committee are Arabic, English and French. Statements made in any of these languages will be interpreted simultaneously into the other two languages.

Agenda and other documents

The provisional agenda for this Regional Committee (Document EM/RC64/1) is attached as Annex B. Further official documentation of the session will be available in Arabic, English and French on the Regional Committee website [] from early September 2017. Documents will not be dispatched by post. Furthermore, participants are kindly requested to bring all documents to the session, as only a limited number of hard copies will be available.

Submissions by delegations

It would be appreciated if delegations wishing to propose draft resolutions to be distributed to the Regional Committee could hand them in to the Secretariat at least 2 days before the proposal is discussed, to allow time for translation, reproduction in the working languages and circulation to delegations. 

Travel arrangements

Delegates/participants should make their own travel arrangements for both outward and return journeys.

Travellers are strongly advised to have their return flights confirmed before departing for Pakistan, as onward reservations and deviations may be difficult to obtain at short notice. The Secretariat will provide assistance with travel arrangements during the session, if needed.

Arrival in Islamabad: Upon arrival at Islamabad Airport, transport to the hotel will be made available, provided participants have supplied their travel details on time. In order to facilitate the process, please return Annex A, completed with flight details and transportation requirements.

The journey time by car from the airport to the hotel is around 30 minutes.

Entry visa to Islamabad Representatives and other participants should obtain a visa for Pakistan prior to departure from their home countries. 

Privileges and immunities

All Members officially attending the Regional Committee in Islamabad, Pakistan, as well as their alternates and advisers, will enjoy the privileges and immunities granted to Representatives at meetings convened by UN specialized agencies, which are set out in the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies.

Health requirements on arrival/departure

For participants coming from some African countries, the yellow fever certificate is needed. 


The Secretariat cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to the private property of participants and accompanying persons, either during or indirectly arising from attendance at the sixty-fourth session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.


Hotel accommodation has been arranged at the Serena Hotel. Hotel rates are included in the booking request form (Annex A). Participants should complete the form and return it to the WHO Secretariat not later than 31 August 2017. Hotel bookings will be arranged as and when requests are received and participants will be advised by return about action taken. 

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It is important that requests for hotel accommodation are complete, with the exact duration of stay and number of room bookings to be made, as well as whether each room or suite should be for single or double occupancy. 

Please note that the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean cannot guarantee accommodation and rates for requests received after 31 August 2017. 

Representatives and other participants are responsible for settling hotel bills directly with the hotel. A credit card is required to secure reservations.  

Cancellation Policy: In event of cancellation/amendment or reduction after guarantee/confirmation of the booking, guests will be charged as follows:

100% of the room charges for the entire duration of stay will apply for cancellation of the reservation if less than 30 days before the check-in date of 7 October, 2017. All guaranteed guest rooms, which are not cancelled as per the timeframe mentioned above, or a no show situation, are subject to charges. Charges equivalent to the entire duration of stay for the agreed room rate will be imposed for no-show guests. Rooms for subsequent nights will be released for general sale.


Transportation will be provided on arrival and departure and for any official functions which are held away from the hotel, noting that transportation will only be made available to and from the venue of the Regional Committee, namely the Serena Hotel.

Banking facilities

The current exchange rate is PAK 105 to US$ 1 which is subject to change should there be a revision in rates. Foreign currency can be exchanged at the hotel or at any bank in Islamabad or authorized dealers. The hotel bank is open 24 hours. Major credit cards are accepted in most establishments.


In October the weather is expected to be hot during the day and warm in the evening. Temperatures during this time of the year range between a maximum of 30 ºC and a minimum of 15 ºC.

Information Bulletin