Technical meetings

Improving the quality and coverage of mortality statistics in the Region
English | Arabic | French

Optimizing the use of caesarean section to improve maternal and newborn health in the Region
English | Arabic | French

Development of a strategic framework for action for the hospital sector in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English | Arabic | French

Building health system resilience in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English | Arabic | French

Regional plan of action for the implementation of the "Global Vector Control Response 2017–2030"
English | Arabic | French

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) surveillance training package to strengthen implementation of the WHO global monitoring framework for NCDs
English | Arabic | French

Side events

Strengthening pharmacovigilance in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
English | Arabic | French

Update on the support of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance 
English | Arabic | French

Launch of the Eastern Mediterranean health financing atlas
English | Arabic | French

Improving access to health information and knowledge resources
English | Arabic | French 

Unified Medical Dictionary new edition 2018
English | Arabic | French

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
English | Arabic | French

Panel discussion

40th Anniversary of Alma Ata Declaration on Primary Health Care 
English | Arabic | French