Information bulletin

Date and venue

The Sixty-sixth session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean is scheduled to take place in Parsian Azadi Hotel, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, from Monday 14 to Thursday 17 October 2019, inclusive.

Address: Intersection of Yadegar-e-Emam and Chamran Highways, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

Tel: (+98) 21 888 24 381
Fax: (+98) 21 860 44 397

Hotel booking coordinator help (Whatsapp): (+98) 912 203 99 25


All participants are kindly requested to register for the Sixty-sixth session of the Regional Committee through the following link:, no later than 15 August 2019. The WHO secretariat will confirm acceptance of your registration via e-mail.

Membership and attendance

The Regional Committee consists of Representatives, one from each country of WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region. The Representatives may be accompanied by alternates and advisers (Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure).

The WHO Regional Director, in consultation with the Regional Committee, may invite States, not Members of the Committee, to participate without vote in the sessions of the Regional Committee. The Regional Director, in consultation with the Regional Committee, may also invite nongovernmental organizations to participate in the deliberations of the Committee (Rule 2 of the Rules of Procedure).


Member States shall communicate to the Regional Director, all alternates and advisers, including the name and designation of their Representatives, no later than 4 September 2019 (40 days before the date fixed for the opening of the session of the Committee). Such credentials will be issued by the Head of State, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Health or any other appropriate authority (Rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure). Similarly, organizations and States invited to be represented at the session shall communicate the names of the persons by whom they will be represented.

Working languages

The working languages of the Committee are Arabic, English and French. Statements made in any of these languages will be interpreted simultaneously into the other two languages. Persian (Farsi) interpretation will also be available for the inaugural session.

Agenda and other documents

Official documentation of the session will be available in Arabic, English and French on the Regional Committee website: as of September 2019. Documents will not be dispatched by post. Furthermore, as RC66 is the first paperless Regional Committee, participants are kindly requested to consult the documents online, as no hard copies will be provided.

Eco-friendly meeting

The organizers are committed to ensuring that this session of the Regional Committee will be more environmentally friendly than previous sessions through a paperless initiative. It will also seek to encourage people’s participation in physical activity initiatives and ensuring healthier food options are available to delegates.

Submissions by delegations

Delegations wishing to propose draft resolutions for circulation to the Regional Committee are requested to share them with the Secretariat at least two days before the proposal is discussed, to allow time for translation, reproduction in the working languages and circulation to delegations.

Travel arrangements

Delegates/participants are kindly requested to make their own travel arrangements for both outward and return journeys. Travellers are strongly encouraged to have their return flights confirmed before departing for the Islamic Republic of Iran, as onward reservations and deviations may be difficult to obtain at short notice. The Secretariat will provide assistance with travel arrangements during the session, if needed.

Arrival in Tehran

Upon arrival at the Tehran Imam Khomeini International Airport, transport to the hotel will be arranged provided that participants have shared their travel details on their registration form.

Meeting point

A meeting point will be established at the arrival hall, equipped with WHO and Regional Committee signage.

Commute time by car from the airport to the hotel is around 50 minutes subject to the time of arrival and traffic congestion.

Entry visa 

All participants are kindly requested to fill in the visa application form (attached Word file) no later than 15 August 2019 and send it to the following address for visa assistance: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (cc’ing: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) attaching a digital passport photo and a scanned copy of their passport (in JPEG format and of acceptable quality).

Applicants will be informed of their visa status via return e-mail.


The official hotel for the event is the Parsian Azadi Hotel. It is strongly recommended that all attendees reside in the proposed hotel.

Participants are kindly requested to make their own room reservation online, by visiting the hotel website: at: no later than 31 August 2019. Representatives and other participants are responsible for settling their own hotel bills directly with the hotel.

The accommodation of heads of delegations will be arranged and covered by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

Online booking can be made using credit cards, noting the below cancellation policy:

Up to 48 hours before the date of arrival, the reservation will be free cancelation and the entire amount will be refunded.

Up to 24 hours before the day of arrival, one night fee will be charged and the rest will be refunded.

Less than 24 hours before the arrival, the reservation will be considered as non-refundable and the entire payment will be charged.

Any extras must be settled directly with the hotel noting that credit cards are not accepted and payment must be made in cash (US dollars or Euros).


Transportation will be provided upon arrival and departure, and for any official event held outside the hotel, noting that transportation will only be made available to and from the official venue of the Regional Committee, namely the Parsian Azadi hotel.

Banking facilities

Due to variable exchange rates in the country, you can find the latest rates on the hotel’s website:

Foreign currency can be exchanged at the hotel or at any money exchange outside the hotel.


In October the weather is expected to be pleasant during the day and cool in the evening. Temperatures during this time of the year range between 14ºC and 23ºC.

Dress code

The hijab, or head scarf, should be worn and women are kindly requested to wear loose fitting and long sleeved clothing.