Online publications

COVID-19 pandemic response in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, progress report of the incident management support team, January-July 2020

Published: 2020

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COVID-19 strategic preparedness and response plan: strengthening the collective response and accelerating readiness in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: July 2020 edition

Published: 2020

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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) strategic preparedness and response plan: Accelerating readiness in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: February 2020

Published: 2020

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WHO policy brief: the economic and social impact of COVID-19 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Published: 2020

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WHO interim guidance note: health workforce response to the COVID-19 pandemic: 7 April 2020

Published: 2020

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WHO interim guidance note Health system response to COVID-19 in the context of internally displaced persons, refugees, migrants and returnees in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: 7 April 2020

Published: 2020

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Coronavirus disease (‎‎COVID-19)‎‎: weekly epidemiological update

Published: 2020

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Considerations for school-related public health measures in the context of COVID-19: annex to considerations in adjusting public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19

Published: 2020

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WHO SAGE values framework for the allocation and prioritization of COVID-19 vaccination

Published: 2020

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Infection prevention and control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID-19: interim guidance

Published: 2020

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Diagnostic testing for SARS-CoV-2: interim guidance

Published: 2020

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An ad hoc WHO technical consultation managing the COVID-19 infodemic: call for action

Published: 2020

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A World in Disorder. Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Annual Report 2020

Published: 2020

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Noncommunicable disease surveillance in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region

Published: 2020

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SocialNet2019 Community Engagement Training: White Paper and SocialNet Experience

Published: 2020

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Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Noncommunicable Disease Resources and Services: Results of a Rapid Assessment

Published: 2020

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Corticosteroids for COVID-19

Published: 2020

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Health cluster guide a practical handbook

Published: 2020

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Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health: our goal is to build a better, healthier future for people in the Region

Published: 2020

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COVID-19 Management in Hotels and Other Entities of the Accommodation Sector

Published: 2020

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COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool: Overview of the Structure, Methodology, and Assumptions Used

Published: 2020

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Considerations for Quarantine of Contacts of COVID-19 Cases

Published: 2020

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Long-Stay Mental Health Care Institutions and the COVID-19 Crisis: Identifying and Addressing the Challenges for Better Response and Preparedness

Published: 2020

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NCD progress monitor 2020: scorecard for the EMR

Published: 2020

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Intersectoral collaboration to end HIV tuberculosis and viral hepatitis in Europe and central Asia a framework for action to implement the United Nations Common Position

Published: 2020

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WHO HIVResNet meeting report Johannesburg South Africa 21 October 2018

Published: 2020

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Seventieth Regional Committee for Europe virtual session 14-15 September 2020 Development of the Programme budget 2022-2023

Published: 2020

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Antigen detection in the diagnosis of SARS CoV 2 infection using rapid immunoassays interim guidance 11 September 2020

Published: 2020

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Report of first meeting of South East Asia NCD regional technical advisory group NCD RTAG 02 November 2019

Published: 2020

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Report of the Thirteenth Meeting virtual of the Subcommittee on Policy and Programme Development and Management SPPDM

Published: 2020

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Elimination of Trachoma in Myanmar

Published: 2020

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Celebrate life Protect through vaccination

Published: 2020

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Pictorial identification key of important disease vectors in the WHO South East Asia Region

Published: 2020

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COVID 19 WHO African Region External situation report 28

Published: 2020

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Regional strategy and action plan for tobacco control 2019-2023

Published: 2019

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Strategy on nutrition for the Eastern Mediterranean Region 2020–2030

Published: 2019

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Assessing national capacity for the prevention & control of noncommunicable diseases: report of the 2017 country capacity survey in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Published: 2019

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Comprehensive assessment of Iraq’s health information system 2019

Published: 2020

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Comprehensive assessment of Afghanistan’s health information system 2018

Published: 2020

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Assistive technology in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: results of a rapid assessment

Published: 2020

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WHO’s work in pictures: bridging health gaps

Published: 2020

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Cadre d’action pour améliorer la capacité institutionnelle des pays à utiliser les bases factuelles dans l’élaboration des politiques de santé dans la Région de la Méditerranée orientale (2020-2024)

Published: 2019

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Framework for action to improve national institutional capacity for the use of evidence in health policy-making in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (2020-2024)

Published: 2019

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WHO’s strategy for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2020–2023 Turning Vision 2023 into action

Published: 2019

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Comprehensive assessment of Jordan’s health information system 2016

Published: 2019

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Establishing syndromic surveillance and event-based surveillance systems for Zika, dengue and other arboviral diseases

Published: 2020

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Report of the High Level Preparatory HLP Meeting virtual for the Seventy third Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South East Asia New Delhi 7-8 July 2020

Published: 2020

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Road safety in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: facts from the global status report on road safety 2018

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 9]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 8]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 7]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 6]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 5]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 4]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 3]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 2]

Published: 2020

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Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal [2020; Vol.26, Issue 1]

Published: 2020

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