Member States
Agenda item 3a Building resilient health systems to advance universal health coverage and promote health security in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Technical meetings
Local vaccine production - a priority for the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Regional cervical cancer elimination strategy
The regional approach to the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030
Special updates
Polo eradication in the Eastern Mediterranean Regio, including the third and fourth meeting reports of the Regional Committee for Polio Eradication and Outbreaks
Agenda item 2a Annual Report of the Regional Director 2021
Agenda item 2d Private sector engagement for advancing universal health coverage
Agenda item 2e Strengthening the nursing workforce to advance universal health coverage in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a call for action
Agenda item 2f Regional strategy to improve access to medicines and vaccines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2020–2030, including lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Agenda item 3a Building resilient health systems to advance universal health coverage and promote health security in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Agenda item 3c Promoting health and well-being in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: moving from theory to action to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals
Agenda item 3d Advancing the implementation of One Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Agenda item 3e Regional strategy for fostering digital health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region (2023–2027)
Agenda item 4c Resolutions and decisions of regional interest adopted by the Seventy-fifth World Health Assembly and the Executive Board at its 150th and 151st sessions
Agenda item 4j Global Health for Peace Initiative
Special updates
Polio eradication in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, including the third and fourth meeting reports of the Regional Subcommittee for Polio Eradication and Outbreaks
Online publications
Communicable diseases

Ensuring readiness for COVID-19: checklists for emergency medical services and hospitals
Published: 2022
» For more information products on communicable diseases
Health systems
» For more information products on health systems
Emergency preparedness and response
» For more information products on Emergency preparedness and response
Noncommunicable diseases
» For more information products on noncommunicable diseases
Maternal, reproductive, child health and nutrition

Preventing violence against children 2020: status report for the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
Published: 2021
» For more information products on maternal, reproductive, child health and nutrition