This is my first Regional Committee as Regional Director, and I would like to start by thanking our outgoing Chair, His Excellency Dr Ali Haji Adam Abubakar, Minister of Health and Human Services of Somalia. Dr Ali.
I thank our gracious hosts, the Government of Qatar. They have engaged very energetically at every stage of preparations for this meeting, led by Her Excellency the Minister of Public Health, Dr Hanan Al-Kuwari.
Opening address by the Regional Director to the Seventy-first session of the WHO Regional Committee
I thank Qatar for hosting this year’s Regional Committee Meeting, which comes at a very difficult time for the region, with conflict in the occupied Palestinian territory, Sudan, Yemen, and now in Lebanon.
A month ago I was in Sudan with Dr Balkhy, where we saw for ourselves the effects of the conflict that has caused such destruction, death, disease and the displacement of more than 13 million people – one quarter of Sudan’s population.
Director-General’s address 71st session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean
Information bulletin
The State of Qatar occupies a peninsula approximately 100 km wide and 200 km long, and includes several islands, the largest of which are Halul, Shraouh and Al-Asshat. Qatar shares its southern border with Saudi Arabia and a maritime border Bahrain, the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United Arab Emirates.
The population of Qatar is 3 million.
Major cities
Doha (capital), Al-Wakrah, Al-Khor, Dukhan, Al-Shamal, Msaieed, Ras Lafan and others.
Arabic is the official language of the country, although English is widely spoken.
Qatar has a desert climate with year-round sunshine, hot summers and mild winters. Monthly temperature ranges from 17°C in January to 36°C in July, sometimes reaching highs of over 40°C during the summer. Rain is infrequent, falling in brief showers in winter.
Working days
The working week is Sunday to Thursday.
Fridays and Saturdays are official days off.
The monetary unit in Qatar is the riyal (QR or QAR). The exchange rate is fixed at US$ 1 = QAR 3.64.
ATMs can be found in many locations and most shops and restaurants accept major credit cards.
Culture and dress code
Qatar is a conservative country. Guests are expected to dress in a style that is sensitive to the Islamic culture. Men generally wear long trousers and a shirt in public. Women's attire in public ought to cover the shoulders, upper arms and knees.
Seek permission before taking photographs of people and be cautious about taking photographs in public.
Touristic hotspots
Qatar has many tourist attractions including nature reserves, historic forts, five-star hotels, museums and galleries, desert safaris, restaurants, markets and malls. Tourist hotspots include the Corniche, Souq Waqif and the Museum of Islamic Art in Doha, and Al Zubarah Fort and Khor Al Adaid (the Inland Sea).
Qatar is considered one of the safest tourist destinations in the world. Further information is available on the Qatar Tourism Authority website.
Date and venue
The 71st session of the Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean is scheduled to take place from Monday 14 to Thursday 17 October 2024.
The session will take place at the Ritz-Carlton, Doha.
The hotel is around 17.5 km from the airport (24-minute drive).
Member State delegates, advisers and representatives of other entities that are unable to attend in person will be able to follow the sessions and deliberations online on the WHO public website. Details for accessing the live streaming of the sessions will be shared in due course.
Registration is a prerequisite for attending the sessions in person. All participants are kindly requested to register for the 71st session of the Regional Committee through the RC71 online registration system, no later than 15 August 2024.
Registrations will be confirmed via email.
Membership and attendance
The Regional Committee consists of one representative from each country or territory of WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region.
The representatives may be accompanied by alternates and advisers (Rule 1 of the Rules of Procedure).
The WHO Regional Director, in consultation with the Regional Committee, may invite States that are not members of the Committee to participate without vote in the sessions of the Regional Committee. The Regional Director, in consultation with the Regional Committee, may also invite nongovernmental organizations to participate in the deliberations of the Committee (Rule 2 of the Rules of Procedure).
Member States should communicate the names and designations of their representatives and all alternates and advisers to the WHO Regional Director no later than 15 August 2024. Such credentials will be issued by the Head of State, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Health, or any other appropriate authority (Rule 3 of the Rules of Procedures). To guarantee an approved registration, participants are kindly requested to upload a copy of the signed letter of credentials onto the registration system.
Working languages
The working languages of the Regional Committee are Arabic, English, and French. Statements made in any of these languages will be interpreted simultaneously in the other two languages.
Written statements
Written statements of no more than 600 words may be submitted for posting on the Regional Committee website under the related agenda item. Written statements should be sent in advance of the opening of the 71st session of the Regional Committee. They may be submitted in lieu of a live intervention or to complement a live intervention from a Member State.
Please send written statements for posting to the WHO website to
Agenda and other documents
Official documentation for the session will be available in Arabic, English and French, and will be made available on the Regional Committee website in the month of September 2024 Documents will not be dispatched by post. Participants are kindly requested to consult the documents online.
Submissions by delegations
Delegations wishing to propose draft resolutions for circulation to the Regional Committee are requested to share them with the Secretariat at least two days before the proposal is discussed, to allow time for translation, reproduction in the working languages and circulation to delegations.
Eco-friendly meeting
Organizers are committed to ensuring that the session of the Regional Committee will be environmentally friendly through its paperless initiative. It will seek to encourage people’s participation in physical activities, and to ensure healthy food options are available to participants.
Travel arrangements
Delegates/participants are kindly requested to make their own travel arrangements for both outward and return journeys.
Visa arrangements
Participants should obtain a visa/entry permit to Qatar prior to their departure from their home country. Participants are kindly requested to fill in the relevant section on the RC71 registration form for visa requests. Issued visas will be shared with participants via email.
WHO cannot accept liability for personal accidents or loss of or damage to the private property of participants and accompanying persons, either during or indirectly arising from participation in the Regional Commit tee. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.
The Regional Committee will take place at the Ritz-Carlton Doha, Qatar.
The hosting country shall bear the expenses of the head of delegation plus one other delegate/adviser, from each of the participating Member States, at the Ritz-Carlton, Doha, for the period of 13 to 18 October 2024.
Remaining delegation members and other esteemed Regional Committee participants may book their accommodation through the hotel websites listed in Annex 1, no later than 31 August 2024, and settle their own hotel bill directly with the hotel.
Transportation will be provided upon arrival and departure, and for any official event held outside the hotel venue, noting that transportation will only be made available to and from the official venue of the Regional Committee, namely the Ritz-Carlton, Doha.
In October, the weather is expected to be quite warm during the day and mild in the evening. Temperatures during this time of the year range between a maximum of 35°C and a minimum of 24°C.
Report of the 71st session of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean
English | Arabic | French
Regional strategic operational plan and flagship initiatives
Arabic | French
Annual Report of the Regional Director 2023
Arabic | French
Addressing the increasing burden of trauma in humanitarian settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
EM/RC70/R.3 Add.1
Financial and administrative implications for the Secretariat of resolutions proposed for adoption by the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Promoting collaborative action to accelerate the regional response to antimicrobial resistance in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
EM/RC70/R.4 Add.1
Financial and administrative implications for the Secretariat of resolutions proposed for adoption by the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Regional action plan for mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies, 2024–2030
Arabic | French
EM/RC70/R.5 Add.1
Financial and administrative implications for the Secretariat of resolutions proposed for adoption by the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Enhancement and digitalization of health information systems in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a regional strategy, 2024–2028
Arabic | French
EM/RC70/R.6 Add.1
Financial and administrative implications for the Secretariat of resolutions proposed for adoption by the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Draft decisions
Ministerial plenary sessions
Regional flagship initiative 1: Expanding equitable access to medical products
Arabic | French
Regional flagship initiative 2: Investing in a resilient health workforce
Arabic | French
Regional flagship initiative 3: Accelerating public health action on substance use
Arabic | French
Eastern Mediterranean Region strategic operational plan, 2025–2028
Arabic | French
Annual Report of the Regional Director 2023
Annual Report of the Regional Director 2023
Arabic | French
Progress reports
Poliomyelitis eradication and polio transition
Arabic | French
Strategic framework for blood safety and availability, 2016–2025
Arabic | French
Regional strategy to improve access to medicines and vaccines in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2020–2030, including lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Arabic | French
Health issues facing populations affected by disasters and emergencies, including the International Health Regulations (2005)
Arabic | French
Building resilient health systems to advance universal health coverage and ensure health security in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Accelerating the prevention, control and elimination of communicable diseases through integration: optimizing support from Gavi and the Global Fund
Arabic | French
Promoting health and well-being in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: moving from theory to action to achieve the health-related Sustainable Development Goals
Arabic | French
Advancing the implementation of One Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Regional strategy for fostering digital health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 2023–2027
Arabic | French
The work of the High-level Ministerial Group on the Control of Tobacco and Emerging Tobacco and Nicotine Products in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Strategy to promote the health and well-being of refugees, migrants, internally displaced populations and other displaced groups in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Technical papers
Addressing the increasing burden of trauma in humanitarian settings in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Promoting collaborative action to accelerate the regional response to antimicrobial resistance in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Regional action plan for mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies, 2024–2030
Arabic | French
Enhancement and digitalization of health information systems in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean Region: a regional strategy, 2024–2028
Arabic | French
World Health Assembly and Executive Board
Programme and budget matters
Investment Case 2025–2028
Arabic | French
Investment Case 2025–2028 and latest on WHO Investment Round
Arabic | French
Draft proposed programme budget 2026-2027
Arabic | French
Executive summary of the draft proposed programme budget, 2026–2027
Arabic | French
Governance matters
Resolutions and decisions of regional interest adopted by the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly and the Executive Board at its 154th and 155th sessions
Arabic | French
EM/RC71/9-Annex 1
Review of the draft provisional agenda of the 156th session of the WHO Executive Board
Arabic | French
Membership of WHO bodies and committees
Arabic | French
Update on implementation of the WHO Transformation Agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Nomination and appointment of Regional Directors: Review of the process for the election of Regional Directors
Arabic | French
Other documents
Report of the nineteenth meeting of the Programme Subcommittee of the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Report of the twentieth meeting of the Programme Subcommittee of the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Report of the tenth meeting of the Regional Subcommittee for Polio Eradication and Outbreaks
Arabic | French
Reports of the eleventh meetings of the Regional Subcommittee for Polio Eradication and Outbreaks
Arabic | French
Procedure for accreditation of regional non-State actors not in official relations with WHO to attend meetings of the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean
Arabic | French
Application from the Russian Federation to attend the WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean in an observer capacity
Arabic | French
Place and date of future sessions of the Regional Committee
Arabic | French
Award of the State of Kuwait Prize for the Control of Cancer, Cardiovascular Diseases, and Diabetes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French
Award of the Down Syndrome Research Prize
Arabic | French