Emergency humanitarian action update, November 2015

Polio vaccination team makes house-to-house calls in Laghman province to check that all children have been immunizedPolio vaccination team makes house-to-house calls in Laghman province to check that all children have been immunizedKey updates for November 2015

Joint assessment of health facilities affected by the 7.6 magnitude earthquake that struck in late October has been completed – health facilities in Nangarhar, Kunar and Laghman provinces need renovation.

WHO assessed post-conflict health care services in Kunduz, with a particular focus on trauma care.

Sporadic measles and Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever outbreaks have been reported.

WHO/EHA visited Logar province to monitor the rehabilitation work of provincial hospitals affected by an explosion in October and replaced damaged medical equipment and supplies.

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Emergency humanitarian action update, November 2015