Weekly update - cholera in Yemen, 22 June 2017

22 June 2017 – The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen has recorded a total of 37 079 suspected cholera cases and 196 associated deaths during the period 13 June to 19 June 2017.

A cumulative total of 185 301 suspected cases of cholera and 1233 associated deaths have been recorded as of 21 June during this outbreak, which started in October 2016. The overall case-fatality rate is 0.7%; however, it is higher among people aged over 60.

WHO and health partners are actively supporting the Ministry through a cholera task force to improve cholera response efforts at the national and local levels. This includes the establishment of 18 diarrhoea treatment facilities and 28 oral dehydration centres, training of health workers to manage cases, water purification in communities, deployment of rapid response team to manage cholera cases investigations and respond to the outbreak, enhancement of Yemen’s disease early warning surveillance systems, and provision of emergency medical supplies to treatment facilities.

Cholera has affected around 268 districts in 20 governorates across the country. While cholera is endemic in Yemen, the country has experienced a surge in cholera cases since 27 April 2017.

WHO and the King Salman Centre for Humanitarian Aid and Relief recently agreed to provide around US$ 8.3 million through health partners to support 7.3 million people in 13 priority governorates with life-saving health services, medical supplies and cholera case management efforts.

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Yemen situation reports

Weekly cholera udpates