Islamic Republic of Iran HIV country profile 2016

Sociodemographic data

  • Total population (in millions) : 80.0
  • Maternal mortality per 100 000 live births :25
  • Life expectancy at birth (years): 75
  • Total fertility rate (births per woman) : 1.7
  • GNI per capita, PPP (current international US$) :17 430
  • Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) : 6.9
  • Health expenditure per capita (current US$) : 351
  • Human Development Index Value :0.77

HIV care cascade and progress towards 90-90-90


Epidemiological data (2016)

HIV estimates and case notification


HIV prevalence in general population

People living with HIV (PLHIV)

New infections

AIDS-related deaths





HIV in specific populations


Survey data


Size estimate

Routine testing and VCT data

Key populations




No tested

HIV+ cases (%)

Sex workers (SW)



90,000 (2015)

1337 (2014)


Men having sex with men (MSM)



359,000 (2012)



People who inject drugs (PWIDs)



250,000 (2013)

2,305 (2015)





217,851 (2013)

14,949 (2016)


Populations in health settings






TB patients




977 (2015)


Pregnant women




70,926 (2015)


Blood donors




2,071,031 (2015)


Clients of testing services







Policy implementation



Policy CD4 threshold adults and adolescents

CD4 <=500 cells/mm3

Recommended initiation threshold  children

< 5 years (as per WHO 2013 guidelines)

Policy of lifelong ART to pregnant & breastfeeding women

Option B+

Implementation of lifelong ART to pregnant & breastfeeding women

Done country-wide

Implementation of national policy on viral load monitoring

Not implemented

HIV testing coverage in key populations *

Data not available.

Antiretroviral therapy and PMTCT coverageIran_fig_3


1; (2) WHO.EMRO Regional Surveillance Data; (3) WHO/UNAIDS data spectrum 2016; (4) Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) 2016.*These are approximate estimations based on the latest available data for number of people tested and size estimates.