WHO in Bahrain
Training workshop on epidemic intelligence from open sources
20 October 2022 – WHO organized a training workshop on epidemic intelligence from open sources (EIOS) that was conducted 27–28 September 2022 in the WHO Country Office in Bahrain, with participants from the Ministry of Health, Health Promotion Directorate, primary health care centres, Salmaniya Medical Complex, Ministry of Health Public Health...
Minister of Health reaffirm's Bahrain's commitment to achieving NDC and mental health-related SDG targets
1 October 2022 – Her Excellency Dr Jaleela bint AlSayed Jawad Hasan, Minister of Health in Bahrain, participated in the “Friends of the UN Inter-Agency Task Force on the Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)”, during a side event on “Mobilizing resources and technical support with and for Member States to deliver NCD and...
A healthier, safer, fairer future for all the people of Bahrain
New WHO Office, New Horizon, New Opportunities to Advance Health and Wellbeing in Bahrain 13 May 2022 - Inaugurated on 26 July 2021, the WHO Country Office in Bahrain, located in the capital city of Manama, became the 20th country office in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region. Hitting the ground running, the country office addressed Bahrain’s health...
WHO Representative presents key WHO insights at the Human Resources Development International Conference
Credit: Bahrain Society for Training and Development 24 January 2022 – Dr Tasnim Atatrah, WHO Representative to Bahrain, was invited to share key WHO insight and recommendations on mental health in the workplace during the third Human Resources Development International Conference, hosted by the Bahrain Society for Training and Development. Held...
WHO Representative shares key WHO insights during 2-part interview series
24 January 2022 – Dr Tasnim Atatrah, WHO Representative, represented WHO insights in a 2-part interview series, which was featured in Bahrain's national publication "الطبي" Medical magazine. Dr Atatrah said tha Bahrain could be classed as an incubator for success, sharing its experience with other countries". Read the interviews https://dailypr-me.com/index.php/en/med107/213-news-37/1964-2021-12-06-19-06-24
WHO country office priority areas of support in 2022
24 January 2022 – Consistent with the international health agenda and the strategic priories of "WHO's Thirteenth General Programme of Work", the WHO country office in Bahrain will continue to support the Ministry of Health and work towards achieving the agreed-upon joint work plan for the next biennium (2022–2023), focusing on the following...
WHO opens country office in Bahrain
26 July 2021, Manama, Bahrain – Today, WHO officially opened a country office in Bahrain. Located in the capital city of Manama, the new office is the 20th WHO country office to open in WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region, and the 152nd WHO country office globally. The office will enable WHO to work on the ground with national health authorities,...
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