WHO launches video campaign in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week 2023

8 June 2023 – World Breastfeeding Week, held during the first week of August, is supported by WHO, UNICEF, ministries of health and civil society partners. Over the last decade, there has been a 10% increase in exclusive breastfeeding globally to 48%, which is remarkable progress. However, to achieve the target of 70% of infants exclusively breastfed by 2030, barriers faced by women and families must be addressed. 

Each year, the campaign for World Breastfeeding Week has a different theme, which aims to promote supportive environments for women to breastfeed. This includes community and workplace support, adequate protections in government policies and laws, and spreading information on the benefits and strategies of breastfeeding. 

In celebration, the WHO Country Office in Bahrain launched a video campaign this year to mark World Breastfeeding Week 2023. The campaign aimed to encourage mothers and expectant mothers to share their breastfeeding experiences and raise awareness of the benefits and challenges of breastfeeding. 

The videos highlighted how breastfeeding provides health benefits for both the mother and infant, as well as when and for how long to initiate exclusive breastfeeding. 

The videos received a very positive response on WHO's social media accounts, with engagement from mothers who shared their diverse breastfeeding experiences. This highlights the need for comprehensive breastfeeding support, as mothers find it easier to breastfeed when they are supported.  

Related links 

World Breastfeeding Week 2023 (who.int) 

Joint statement by UNICEF Executive Director and WHO Director-General on the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week