One Health national bridging workshop


20 October 2022 – A One Health national bridging workshop took place from 4 to 6 October in Bahrain; a demonstration of the country’s commitment towards advancing intersectoral collaboration across human-animal-environment sectors.

The One Health approach is a multisectoral initiative that aims to address this complex array of threats. It recognizes that the health of humans, animals and the environment is interconnected and applies practices that support collective and coordinated action among different sectors in a more effective, efficient and sustainable way. It is also aligned with WHO's regional vision of “Health for All by All” initiated in 2018 with the aim of working in solidarity to ensure the right to health for everyone in the Region.

The World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the World Organisation for Animal Health and the United Nations Environment Programme, known collectively as the Quadripartite, have adopted the One Health approach to provide global and regional leadership and guidance to build national capacities, as well as address gaps and challenges to implementation of the approach.

The four organizations have developed the One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022–2026), which provides an overarching strategic direction to promote and protect public health, animal health, food safety and security, and ecosystem health.

Led by the Supreme Council of Health and the Ministry of Health in Bahrain and coordinated by the WHO country office in Bahrain, the workshop invited experts from across the human-animal-environment interface to take part in interactive approaches to developing understandings of frameworks, tools and guidance across institutions and systems to prevent, detect and control diseases and strengthen capacities for the early detection of health threats.

Related links

One health joint plan of action (‎2022‒2026)‎: working together for the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment

Technical paper

Advancing the implementation of One Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French

Draft resolution

Advancing the implementation of One Health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
Arabic | French

EM/RC69/R.5(D) Add.1
Financial and administrative implications for the Secretariat of resolutions proposed for adoption by the Regional Committee