WHO in Bahrain
WHO Representative

Dr Tasnim Atatrah assumed her role as WHO Representative and Head of Office in Bahrain on 1 June 2021.
Dr Atatrah is a public health specialist, medical doctor and policy fellow. She joined WHO in 2010 and has worked in 12 countries across WHO's Eastern Mediterranean and European regions in various capacities. Dr Atatrah led the emergency operations and public health humanitarian response for the Gaza Strip, Syria, and Libya. She has mobilized resources and led interventions to promote health and well-being among refugee/migrant populations in occupied Palestinian territory, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.
Dr Atatrah oversaw the development of national health strategies in line with the targets of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals in occupied Palestinian territory, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan; led interventions to strengthen health emergency preparedness and health system strengthening in Central Asia; and managed a subregional platform in 5 countries, implementing innovative means to enhance cooperation in Central Asia. Dr Tasnim served as acting WHO representative in Kyrgyzstan (2018–2019), Tajikistan (2019) and Turkmenistan (2021).
Prior to joining WHO, Dr Atatrah worked with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), leading the monitoring and evaluation system for the Palestinian Health Sector Reform and Development project. She also worked for UNICEF as a Communications Specialist and has worked on World Bank-funded grants and for local nongovernmental organizations. She has also worked as a medical clinician at mobile and emergency clinics in remote areas and refugee camps.
Dr Atatrah is a national of Jordan. In addition to her medical degree, she holds a Master’s degree in Public Health and Epidemiology from the Al-Quds University, a diploma in Project Management from Bethlehem University (occupied Palestinian territory), a High Diploma in Management of Humanitarian Health and Nutrition Programmes from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom), and completed a Policy Fellowship at Cambridge University (United Kingdom).