Information resources
Principles on identification for sustainable development: Toward the digital age
Carla Abou Zahr: Why CRVS matters?
CDC’s CRVS Training Curriculum
Background documents
Regional strategy for the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems 2014-2019 | Arabic | French
Regional committee document
Regional strategy for the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems
English - Arabic - French
Regional committee resolution
Regional strategy for the improvement of civil registration and vital statistics systems 2014–2019
English - Arabic - French
University Of Queensland Handbook for Physicians on Certification of Death
Civil Registration and Identification Glossary
WHO application of ICD-10 for initial low resources cause of death collection
Handbook on civil registration and vital statistics systems - preparation of a legal framework
Principles and recommendations for a vital statistics system - revision 3
Fundamental principles of official statistics
Rapid assessment of national civil registration and vital statistics systems [pdf 962.31kb]
Arabic | French
CRVS comprehensive assessment [pdf 1.71Mb]
Arabic | French
Strategic planning to strengthen civil registration and vital statistics systems: Guidance for using findings from a comprehensive assessment [pdf] Arabic [pdf 389kb]
Complex Story Research
Infographic / Research