8 August 2016 – On Monday 25 July 2016, the WHO/Egypt country office, in collaboration with the WHO Tobacco Free Initiative programme held an awareness-raising session on the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control protocol on elimination of tobacco illicit trade. A very wide and high-level multisectoral representation from all concerned agencies participated in the meeting – Ministry Of Health, Ministry Of Trade, Ministry Of Foreign Affairs, Egyptian Customs Authority, Central Department of Anti-Customs Evasion, Ministry of Justice, Industrial Development Authority, General Organization for Export and Import Control.
The main points discussed were a multisectoral approach to the adoption and implementation of the protocol, tracking and tracing, licencing, legislation, controlling the supply chain and international best practices in controlling illicit trade.
The main outcome of the meeting was consensus on the value of adopting the protocol, on both the health and economic aspects, which will enable the Egyptian government to eliminate illicit trade in tobacco. The priority now is to hold an urgent meeting for the multisectoral national committee to decide on the best convenient approach for Egypt to ratify the protocol. Also to look into essential steps needed from the different concerned national parties for ratification of the protocol. This will be based on assessment check list results that will identify the best approach either to advance ratifying the protocol or to take the necessary measures and actions first then ratify.
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Tobacco illicit trade elimination