Egypt celebrates the Second United Nations Global Road Safety Week, 6–12 May

Events have been registered in nearly 70 countries. Activities in Egypt were announced through the media, including several radio stations, newspapers and social media platforms. An on-the-air radio programme on road safety took place hosting key national focal persons from the Ministries of Interior and Transport and WHO country office. Callers rang in to discuss road safety issues.

On Wednesday 8 May, the nongovernmental organization Egyptian Society for Road Safety held a short walk from a specified meeting point to Maadi library and children repainted pedestrian crossings while walkers held signs advocating for pedestrian safety. Paramedics gave live demonstrations to the children on the management of first aid to a simulated road traffic crash victim and showed them how those injured in road traffic crashes should be safely handled.

A workshop was also held demonstrating Egypt's traffic department road traffic crash data system, followed by a video conference with WHO headquarters. 

Activities to raise community awareness of road safety will extend beyond Road Safety Week. On Sunday 19 May, a Facebook campaign called “Start with yourself” (إبدأ بنفسك)" will be officially launched. The campaign is an initiative created by the Egyptian National Road Safety Council, with the support of WHO/Egypt and the Egyptian Red Cresent Society, it aims to involve the community in a dialogue on road safety issues. The site has already attracted over 45 000 users, mainly youth, from all over the country.

From 20 to 23 May, a 4-day road safety awareness-raising campaign will also take place in Alexandria to raise awareness of the dangers of speeding and not wearing seatbelts. This campaign is being implemented by the Egyptian Red Cresent Society and the Egyptian National Road Safety Council, in collaboration with national road safety stakeholders from governmental and civil society organizations, supported by WHO.

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Related links

Start with yourself (Facebook web campaign)

Second United Nations Global Road Safety Week, 6–12 May

Information for the media: Make Walking Safe, The second United Nations Global Road Safety Week in the Eastern Mediterranean Region 6–12 May 2013 [pdf 250kb]

Press release: Making walking safer

Make walking safe posters