WHO conducts eHealth taskforce meeting

30 March 2015 – WHO convened a second eHealth taskforce meeting from 19 to 20 March 2015 at its Regional Office in Cairo. The objective of the meeting was to advise Member States on short- and long-term eHealth interventions that could cost-effectively support a range of national health services.

This 2-day meeting was conducted in line with World Health Assemby resolutions on eHealth and WHO's vision to use innovative approaches in eHealth to strengthen health systems in the Region and to support implementation of regional priorities.

The meeting reviewed progress of eHealth implementation following the previous taskforce meeting in August 2012; discussed future regional directions for eHealth in relation to WHO's five strategic areas, in particular universal health coverage; identified innovations and opportunities in the field of eHealth; explored potential partnerships, such as that between the International Telecommiuncation Union and the European Union; and discussed establishment of a platform for dialogue and an exchange oof experiences between countries.

A number of recommendations were endorsed, including the need to develop a "common vision" to guide the regional strategy on eHealth; raise awareness of the impact of eHealth applications and services; support countries in establishing reliable and dedicated national health networks; promote adoption of core standards, pushing the agenda of eHealth technologies, such as telemedicine and mHealth; build national capacity for eHealth, considering collaborating centres as one of the resources to be tapped for eHealth technical services and support; and promote collaboration with different organizations in developing national eHealth profiles.

Related resolutions

Summary report on the Second eHealth taskforce meeting, Cairo, Egypt, 19–20 March 2015

eHealth and health Internet domain names [A66/26]              

eHealth standardization and interoperability [EB132.R8]      

Resolution WHA58.28 eHealth