Nursing, midwifery and allied health personnel
Nurses and midwives comprise the main group of human resources for health that provides care through all national programmes. Photo credit: WHO Nurses and allied health personnel play a central role in health service delivery promotion, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation - in areas of great health need, where they may be the only frontline providers of health. Accordingly, health indicators and mortality and morbidity dynamics are directly linked to nursing practice, in addition to medical and other levels of health services.
The Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean supports Member States in the development of nursing and allied health personnel in four key areas: national planning for nursing and midwifery, reform of education, regulation and leadership development.
Call for action to strengthen nursing workforce in the Eastern Mediterranean Region
15 January 2020 - Nurses and midwives make up more than half of the health workforce. Evidence suggests that adequate numbers of well-educated nurses are particularly well suited to tackling...
→The future of nursing and midwifery in the Region
29 April 2015 – Under the patronage of Her Royal Highness Princess Muna Al-Hussein, WHO Patron for Nursing and Midwifery in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, WHO organized a regional nursing...
→Nursing leadership in Bahrain discusses nursing research priorities

27 April 2015 – A workshop organized by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing Development at the College of Health Sciences at the University of Bahrain, in collaboration with the...
→In focus
Triad Communiqué, 19 May 2014
The Fifth Triad meeting of the International Council of Nurses, the World Health Organization and the International Confederation of Midwives was held on 16–17 May 2014 in Geneva, Switzerland. Participants...
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