Photo essays

WHO’s work in Somalia for COVID-19 response

WHO’s response to COVID-19 in Somalia was a year of resilience, impact and innovation. As Somalia marked one year since the first case of COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in Somalia, this photo story depicts the work of WHO in Somalia showcasing how the Organization supported the Government and its other health partners to save lives and protect the people in a very fragile, complex and vulnerable setting with determination, courage and commitment.

Continuing COVID-19 response in the Region, January 2021

WHO and the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre continue their joint efforts to fight against child malnutrition in Yemen by sustaining essential nutrition services and enhancing access to life-saving interventions for the most vulnerable populations.

Battling COVID-19 in the Region, November 2020

In Syrian Arab Republic, WHO and UNICEF conducted a 20-day awareness campaign in Homs and Hama governorates on COVID-19 preventive measures, with special attention to mental health and psychosocial support for children affected by humanitarian emergencies.

Highlights of WHO’s response to COVID-19 and other health threats in the Region, October 2020

Since the start of the Syrian crisis, WHO has maintained a strong partnership with the Syrian Red Crescent to reach people living in hard-to-reach and besieged areas, especially people with limited access to health care to save lives and promote health. This partnership continues in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Highlights of WHO’s response to COVID-19 September-October 2020

In Afghanistan Mrs Nasrin Ahmadi, a worker in the polio programme, is one of thousands of polio workers who have redirected their efforts to fighting COVID-19 by educating communities to how to protect themselves.

Working with partners to reach the most vulnerable in northwest Syria

WHO Gaziantep, Turkish Red Crescent and OCHA delivered the first set of 25 ventilators planned for distribution among 3 designated COVID-19 isolation hospitals across northwest Syria on 11 June 2020.

Helping countries keep up the fight against COVID-19

In June 2020, the number of cases of COVID-19 continued to rise in countries of WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Region. WHO trained health workers and equipped health facilities to meet the growing challenge.

Fighting COVID-19: highlights from May 2020

In May 2020, WHO continued its battle against COVID-19 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. WHO trained field teams and laboratory workers, and developed awareness-raising materials for people throughout the Region. WHO also shipped millions of dollars’ worth of testing kits, protective gear and medicines to help patients and health workers.

WHO Yemen responds to COVID-19

Yemen remains the world’s worst humanitarian disaster, and WHO’s most complex operation. More than 5 years of war have devastated Yemen’s health infrastructure. In 2020, more people in the country are dying from lack of access to treatment than they are from the bullets and bombs. Today, millions of Yemenis are yet again faced with the fight of their lives. Unlike a gunshot wound or injury from shrapnel, COVID-19 is silently and rapidly spreading in Yemen.

Rushing COVID-19 aid to countries in need

In late April 2020, WHO continued its life-saving work to help people affected by COVID-19 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Click through this photo gallery to see highlights of WHO’s work.

Battling COVID-19 in the Eastern Mediterranean Region

Since January 2020, WHO has been sounding the alarm and raising awareness in the Eastern Mediterranean Region about COVID-19. From testing suspected cases, training rapid response teams, providing protective gear for health workers, to getting the message out via social media, WHO is in a race against time to help countries respond and prevent further spread of the virus.

Saving COVID-19 patients: WHO responds

In 22 countries of the Middle East, North Africa, and farther east, WHO is rushing medical supplies to health centres and training staff to care for COVID-19 patients. Click through the gallery to see highlights from April 2020.