Training of national focal points on the global antimicrobial resistance surveillance system (GLASS)

GLASS_24091724 September 2017 – The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is conducting training on the Global antimicrobial resistance surveillance system (GLASS) from 24 to 25 September 2017 in Cairo, Egypt for 20 national focal points and data managers from the countries enrolled in the system.  

The training aligns with the Global Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance that was endorsed by the World Health Assembly in May 2015 through resolution WHA67.25 requesting Member States to strengthen knowledge of antimicrobial resistance through surveillance and research. GLASS allows WHO to produce valid data on resistance and map it at the global level.

To date, WHO has provided support to 10 countries of the Region as they initiate early implementation of the GLASS. The training focuses on the concepts and methods of early implementation of GLASS and its expansion to national AMR surveillance that allows for the generation of quality surveillance reports.