WHO supports Libya and Tunisia in development of national action plans for antimicrobial resistance

Libyas_AMR_action_plan15 February 2018 – In line with the Global Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance, endorsed by the World Health Assembly in May 2015 in resolution WHA67.25, the WHO Regional Office is providing support to the Governments of Libya and Tunisia in developing national action plans for antimicrobial resistance. 

A national consultation on the Libyan plan was held in Tunis, Tunisia, February 4–7, 2018, with 35 participants representing the health, agricultural and animal sectors required to develop a multisectoral integrated national plan.  

Tunisia_workshop1On February 8–9, 2018 in Tunis, Tunisia, a national consultation took place to review and finalize Tunisia's national plan, drafted by a group of multisectoral stakeholders in 2017. The consultation gathered 45 representing the health, agricultural and animal sectors to achieve consensus among partners and finalize the plan for further submission to WHO.

National action plans for antimicrobial resistance are based on five strategic areas:

  • improving awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communication, education and training
  • strengthening knowledge and the evidence base through surveillance and research
  • reducing the incidence of infection through improved infection prevention and control measures
  • optimizing use of antimicrobial medicine in human and animal health customized to fit national priorities and context
  • ensuring sustainable investment in countering antimicrobial resistance. 

Related link

Global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (2015)