Toolkit for local implementation of the IHR: Reporting events from local to national level

A toolkit has been developed to assist countries to meet the core capacities required by the IHR (2005), by means of improving event reporting from frontline healthcare workers to the relevant public health authorities.

The toolkit is structured as a guidance document for IHR national focal points, which includes a collection of tool templates targeting frontline healthcare workers (clinicians and laboratory technicians). The tool templates are meant to be adapted by the relevant public health authorities based on country specific needs and distributed at the local level. Included in the toolkit are templates for awareness campaign tools (leaflets, posters and wallet cards for clinicians and laboratory technicians), education and training materials (event-reporting lecture and discussion workshop) and an implementation plan.

The templates emphasize what to report, the reporting process and the resulting follow up. The materials are developed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health as part of the EU REACT project.

Related links

Detection of events of public health importance under the international health regulations: a toolkit to improve reporting of unusual events by frontline healthcare workers

Toolkit for local implementation of the International Health Regulations (2005), Robert Koch institute