What we do

  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) at point of care in both hospitals and primary health care (PHC) centres.
  • Integrated e-prescription programme.
  • Health research governance, production and impact of health research implemented.
  • Ethics in research.

Capacity-building on civil registration and vital statistics/e-death certificate is another area of our work. Technical support is provided to review and advice on an integration plan for implementing e-prescription programme in Islamic Republic of Iran and a situation analysis among main health insurance organizations and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education is under process. Also, a national consultancy is in process to review and evaluate health research governance, production and the impact of health research implemented since 2014.

What we have achieved

  • ICD-11 was piloted in 2 hospitals in Islamic Republic of Iran. Integration of the application program interface of ICD-11 software in the health information system of selected hospitals and PHC facilities is under way for the implementation.

What is next

  • We are working to implement ICD-11 at point of care in both hospitals and PHC centres.