WHO in Iraq
WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF reiterate their commitment to universal health coverage for every person, anywhere, anytime in Iraq
Mobile medical clinic supported by WHO delivers health care services in hard-to-reach areas of Kirkuk7 April 2019, Baghdad – Today, as the world commemorates World Health Day with the theme, universal health coverage, WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF recommit to supporting the Government of Iraq in ensuring that every person in Iraq has access to quality...
Vaccination campaign against measles, mumps and rubella concludes in Iraq
WHO staff member provides reassurance to a young girl after vaccination Baghdad, 1 April 2019 – The Ministry of Health, in collaboration with WHO, completed a 10-day vaccination campaign to immunize children aged from 9 to 59 months in Iraq against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) from 10 to 24 March 2019. The campaign aimed to protect a large...
Ministry of Health and WHO mobilize national authorities to facilitate implementation of core public health capacities under the International Health Regulations
Baghdad 25 March 2019 – Under the auspices of H.E. the Minister of Health of Iraq Dr Alaa Alwan and the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, in collaboration with WHO country office in Iraq, a national workshop was organized to facilitate assessment of and planning for national public health capacities required under the...
WHO welcomes a generous contribution from Japan to rebuild resilient health systems in Iraq
Health personnel at a public laboratoryBaghdad 13 March 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) extends its gratitude to the Government and People of Japan for the generous contribution of US$ 803 571 to assist in protecting health security in post-conflict Iraq by strengthening the country’s ability to prepare for and respond to public...
WHO support for prosthetic rehabilitation centre brings hope for patients with disabilities
Jasmin, a remarkable young man, calmly waits for his turn to receive his prosthetic limb12 March 2019 – Thirteen-year-old Jasmin from Badush village in Mosul calmly sits despondent and quiet on his wheelchair at the WHO-supported emergency orthopaedic centre in Sulymania. His face bears the scars of recent injuries; his smile is mixed with joy and...
Paediatric unit and outpatient department open for patients in Hawija General Hospital
Inside the outpatient department of the recently renovated paediatric unit and outpatient department in HawijaBaghdad, 12 March 2019 – The World Health Organization (WHO) and Kirkuk Directorate of Health today inaugurated a paediatric unit and outpatient department in Hawija General Hospital in the Kirkuk governorate. The outpatient department in...
Chances of survival for children in Dohuk see a significant improvement
WHO teams visit the paediatric intensive care unit at Heevi paediatric hospital in Dohuk11 March 2019 –At Heevi Pediatric Hospital in Dohuk Governorate, the survival rate for children with acute conditions has significantly improved since WHO started supporting the paediatric intensive care unit more than 3 years ago. Thanks to the Office of...
Improving availability of and access to essential and life-saving medicines and medical supplies in Iraq
Baghdad 10March 2019 – In recent years, the Ministry of Health of Iraq has been facing challenges in procuring and making available medicines and medical supplies available in a timely manner to meet the country’s needs. This situation has resulted from a combination of factors, including the protracted crises that the country has undergone...
Iraqi Ministries of Health and Higher Education and WHO celebrate World Cancer Day
3 March 2019 – According to the International Agency for the Research on Cancer, an estimated 18.1 million cancer cases were diagnosed in 2018. The most common types of cancer are lung, prostate and colorectal cancer, which are among the leading causes of death globally. Mortality due to lung, colorectal and liver cancer is predicted to increase in...
WHO supports Ministry of Health of Iraq to improve blood safety and transfusion services
Baghdad, 3 March 2019 – With the support of WHO, the Ministry of health of Iraq has developed an action plan to improve blood safety and blood transfusion services and meet the increased demand for blood in humanitarian emergencies. To support the ongoing efforts of the Ministry, WHO has conducted several technical support missions to the country...