Healthier population

Promoting health and well-being towards quality of life

Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of Jordan's population throughout the life course by addressing social determinants of health.

Who we are

Our team works closely with all national counterparts to promote well-being and tackle the root causes of ill health that lie in the health system and beyond while promoting equity, gender main streaming and community participation.

What we do

Support effective implementation of programmes and service delivery

WHO provides support in identifying gaps in reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescents health laws, regulations and challenging policies through different activities.

Support partners to improve the lives of older people, their families, and communities as part of the UN Healthy Ageing Decade

WCO has been supporting national efforts as part of Jordan‘s commitment to ensure healthy ageing including declaring Amman as Elderly Friendly City

Coordinating multisectoral approach to forward the nutrition agenda

WHO Jordan has been supporting MoH and other stakeholders in developing the National Nutrition Strategy and its implementation framework 2023-2030. In addition, WCO has been coordinating national multisectoral effort to combat obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes.

Support the agenda of road Safety in Jordan

WCO supported national authorities to contribute in the 5th Global Status Report on Road Safety where data was collected from concerned stakeholders.

Support the agenda of Healthy Lifestyle

WCO is working with different stakeholders on promoting healthy lifestyles across life course including collaborating with Greater Amman Municipality on the Healthy City Initiative in Amman with emphasis on delivering a high-impact policy or programmatic intervention to reduce NCDs and injuries, enforce the ban on indoor smoking in public places and promote physical activity among other initiatives.

Promoting enabling environment to implement tobacco control measures

WCO works with the WHO FCTC Secretariat and the Jordanian Government to implement the tobacco control interventions in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use and exposure to tobacco smoke with the focus on the impact on children

Our impact

  • Commitment to improving environment for healthy ageing
  • Effectively mitigating Non-communicable Diseases (NCDs) risk factors through multisectoral actions such as reducing salt and sugar in foods and banning trans fats, increasing accessibility and availability of physical activity and increasing smoke-free indoor public places
  • Placing NCDs agenda at the top of the national health priorities

What we have achieved

  • Conducted an in-depth assessment of sexual and reproductive health and rights related laws, regulations and policies, including recommendations for further improvement
  • Supported community engagement activity targeting older people with focus on polypharmacy and medication without harm
  • WHO Jordan has worked with national stakeholders to implement the measures recommended by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) with a focus on the MPOWER measures
  • Supported development of the national nutrition strategy 2023–2030
  • Supported development of Jordan's food-based dietary guidelines
  • Supported development of food-based dietary guidelines for NCDs
  • Developed legislation for food labelling
  • Established free access outdoor gyms across public parks

What is next

  • Promote health and well-being interventions to combat NCDs risk factors.
  • Continue providing support to Greater Amman municipality on the Amman Elderly Friendly City Initiative
  • Strengthen early child development, including responsive care to children (age 0-5) among the most vulnerable
  • Continue to support the national multisectoral efforts on obesity prevention
  • Support the integration of nutrition services within primary health care
  • Continue to support efforts to reduce salt, sugar and trans fats in foods and the implementation of food-labelling.
  • Support the development of a national strategy for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, involving all related sectors.
  • Continue to work with all national stakeholders for a strong implementation of the WHO FCTC