
Vaccines save lives

Our mission is to ensure that every resident of Jordan fully benefits from vaccines for good health and well-being.

Who we are

Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI) at WHO Country Office in Jordan supports strengthening of the National EPI at the Ministry of Health in all programme components, namely: programme management and financing; human resource management and capacity; vaccine supply, quality and logistics; service delivery, immunization coverage and AEFI monitoring; diseases surveillance; demand generation.

National EPI exists in Jordan from 1979 and currently offers vaccination against 12 diseases (tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenza type b, measles, mumps, rubella, rotavirus, and hepatitis A). Immunization services are provided to all children irrespective of their citizenship through the network of some 700 comprehensive, primary and peripheral health centers.

What we do

Under the strong leadership of the Ministry of Health WHO Jordan supported:

Establishment of the baseline on all components of the National EPI

WHO conducted comprehensive EPI review, Data Quality Self-Assessment, Effective Vaccine Management Assessment to identify key gaps in the immunization programme with two of them conducted for the first time in Jordan.

Strengthening management function at the National EPI

WHO developed organogram for the National EPI, terms of reference for the staff and distribution of responsibilities.

Procurement of the routine vaccines and vaccine procurement modernization

WHO procured routine vaccines for 20% of the infant population over the last two years and working on the vaccine procurement modernization to enable access to the competitive international procurement.

Provision of vehicles, cold chain equipment and IT equipment, improvement of vaccine management

Continuous improvement plan has been developed and national logistics working group established, vehicles, cold chain equipment and IT equipment procured

Capacity building of the national immunization staff

Workshops were conducted for the storekeepers and surveillance officers; vaccinator’s manual was developed for the training of vaccinators.

Increase awareness and reduce hesitancy surrounding immunization

National communication strategy for immunization has been developed and is being implemented.

Our impact

WHO Jordan supported National EPI to achieve:

  • Improved immunization coverage with the routine vaccines
  • Strengthened programme management and effective vaccine management capacities
  • Strengthened vaccine preventable diseases surveillance with focus on polio and measles/rubella surveillance
  • Improved immunization programme infrastructure (vehicles, cold chain equipment, IT equipment)
  • Fast track procedure for the registration of the WHO prequalified vaccines

What we have achieved

  • WHO CO Jordan supported comprehensive EPI review, Data Quality Self-Assessment, Effective Vaccine Management Assessment, continuous improvement plan
  • Improved management structure and capacity of the National EPI
  • 67 vehicles, 600 tablets for the immunization reporting, cold room and refrigerators were procured
  • Build capacity of 1,000 health care providers on routine immunization and vaccine preventable diseases surveillance
  • Procured vaccines for 20% of the target population of the National EPI over 2021-2022
  • Supported COVID-19 vaccination; planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation, AEFI, demand generation and risk communication, and staff training.
  • Add what has been done during COVID-19 pandemic providing vaccines for all in Jordan.

What is next

The WHO country office will continue to work with all partners in the Health Sector to support the following activities:

  • Strengthening EPI and vaccine management through implementation of the comprehensive EPI review
  • Support the Ministry of Health in development of the National Immunization Strategy (2023-2027)
  • Improving vaccine supply chain through procurement of routine vaccines and cold chain equipment as well as development of Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs)
  • Support the Ministry of Health with the development of the new immunization management information system
  • Strengthening Ministry of Health capacity in vaccine preventable diseases surveillance
  • Increase awareness on benefits and risks of routine immunization