Noncommunicable diseases

Right to health and wellbeing for everyone everywhere

Striving to improve health and wellbeing of Jordan population through life course by addressing challenges in the health system and beyond.

Who we are

Noncommunicable diseases and mental health team at WHO country office works closely with all counterparts to effectively strengthen the national health system, further integrate NCDs and mental health services into primary health care, and critically address root causes for ill health while promoting equity, gender mainstreaming and community participation, leaving no one behind.

What we do

The noncommunicable diseases programme is concerned with the prevention and control of chronic diseases, with a particular emphasis on five main diseases namely, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and mental disorders, and five main risk factors, which are smoking, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity, harmful use of alcohol and air pollution.

Our team works closely with MOH and concerned stakeholders to strengthen NCDs governance, prevention, service delivery and surveillance at all levels in line with national and global norms and targets in fulfillment of the SDGs agenda 2030.

We diligently work to curb NCDs, which are the leading cause of death and illness in Jordan. This is through strengthening multisectoral coordination and collaboration, the integration of NCDs into primary health care and the implementation of evidence-based high impact NCDs interventions to optimize NCDs prevention, early detection, screening, management, monitoring, rehabilitation and palliative care.

The mental health program is directed towards supporting more effective leadership and governance of mental health, integrating mental health in community-based settings, implementation of strategies for promotion and prevention, and strengthening mental health information system.

Our impact

» Noncommunicable diseases

  • WHO plays a key leadership role in the coordination and advocacy for the global fight against NCDs and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals target 3.4.
  • Strengthen NCDs governance through the development of strategies and policies on NCDs and related risk factors, adopting health in all policies and a whole-of-society approach.
  • Optimize quality of service delivery through supporting the development of clinical protocols and standards, and building capacities on their implementation.
  • Provide evidence-based data on NCDs and their risk factors through strengthening surveillance systems, implementing national surveys.

» Mental health

  • Inclusion in WHO DG’s Special Initiative for Mental Health 2019-2024, that aims for accelerating actions and increase access and coverage
  • Strengthen mental health governance through legislation and economic evidence for investment, an investment case for mental health is under development
  • A joint program with UNICEF on Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing and Development of Children and Adolescents

What we have achieved

» Noncommunicable diseases

  • Supported the development of the national cancer control strategy and action plan, the National Nutrition Strategy and its implementation framework 2023-2030, and the tobacco control strategy.
  • Supported the implementation and enforcement of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
  • Supported the MOH with the development of clinical guidelines and protocols for NCDs e.g. hypertension, diabetes type II, assessment of cardiovascular disease risk at primary care, tobacco cessation, food-based dietary guidelines, and most recently national guidelines for three childhood cancers.
  • Supported the MOH in the implementation of the WHO HEARTS technical package to strengthen prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases risk factors at primary health care level.
  • Provision of free medication to all children with cancer in Jordan “Global Platform for Access to Childhood Cancer Medicines” (GPACC)
  • Promotion of physical activity through the establishment of outdoor gyms across public parks
  • Raising awareness of NCDs and their risk factors through communication campaigns and media experts' trainings.
  • Supported NCDs surveillance, e.g. the stepwise survey for noncommunicable diseases risk factors (2019).

» Mental health

  • Development of National Mental Health and Substance Use Action Plan 2022-2026
  • Integration of mhGAP (mental health gap action program) in the pre-service training curriculum for family physicians at the national level

What is next

» Noncommunicable diseases

  • Support the development of a national strategy and action plan for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, as well as an overarching NCDs strategy.
  • Launch of the national cancer strategy and action plan and support its implementation.
  • Support MOH with the development of a chronic respiratory disease program.
  • Enact the implementation framework of the national nutrition strategy, with engagement of a wide group of related stakeholders. Focusing on interventions to reduce salt, sugar and trans fats, accelerating plans to stop obesity and enhancing physical activity.
  • Conduct the Global School Health Survey and the Global Youth Tobacco Survey

» Mental health

  • Operationalization of key interventions of the National Mental Health and Substance Use Action Plan 2022-2026