H.E. the Minister of Health in Libya and the WHO Representative co-chaired the national consultation to adopt WHO-Libya Joint Operational Plan for 2024-2025.
15 November 2023, Tripoli, Libya – The WHO–Libya Joint Operational Plan for 2024–2025 was adopted on 14 November 2023 at a high-level consultation between the WHO Libya Country Office and Libya’s Ministry of Health and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Minister of Health, His Excellency Mr Ramadan Abu Janah, and Dr Ahmed Zouiten, WHO Representative in Libya, co-chaired the meeting to chart a course for the country’s health system over the next 2 years.
The event was a chance to consider the overarching priorities for the bilateral cooperation between WHO and the Government of Libya over the upcoming biennium, based on the Triple Billion targets set out in WHO’s Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13).* The newly adopted WHO–Libya Joint Operational Plan for 2024–2025 sets out the shared strategic priorities and expected outcomes for the next 2 years. It also paves the way for further collaboration on strengthening Libya’s health system to advance towards the health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
At the meeting, Dr Zouiten stressed WHO’s commitment to work closely with the Ministry of Health and other partners to ensure that the Joint Operational Plan is implemented successfully. The shared aim is to advance Libya’s public health agenda, strengthen its national health system and enhance the health and well-being of all segments of the population. Over the next 2 years, WHO and the Government of Libya will continue their health system strengthening efforts to achieve the best health outcomes for the country while striving to promote health, serve the vulnerable and keep Libya safe from public health risks.
H.E. Mr Abu Janah praised the cooperation with WHO, the Ministry’s main technical partner, and expressed his own and his team’s willingness to work alongside WHO to improve health outcomes in Libya in line with national priorities, regional and global commitments, GPW 13 and the SDGs. He also said that the meeting was an important opportunity to bring together health specialists from both the Ministry and WHO to articulate a shared vision for Libya’s health system.
GPW 13 is based on the SDGs and sets out the vital role of WHO in their achievement. Health is fundamental to the SDGs and, in an interconnected world, WHO’s role in providing global public goods that help to ensure health for all people – within and across national boundaries – has never been more relevant.
Experts from WHO and the two Libyan ministries participate in the national consultation to adopt the WHO-Libya Joint Operational Plan for 2024-2025.
*The Triple Billion targets are: one billion more people are benefiting from universal health coverage; one billion more people are better protected from health emergencies; and one billion more people are enjoying better health and well-being.