Regional consultation on public health pesticide management in the Region, Muscat, Oman, 5–7 December 2011

A regional consultation on public health pesticides management was jointly organized by the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean and the WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) in Muscat, Oman, from 5 to 7 December 2011. The objectives of the consultation were to: review the outcome of the WHO survey on public health pesticides registration and management practices by WHO Member States; identify major challenges and obstacles in the management of public health pesticides in the Region; and develop a regional framework for action for sound management of public health pesticides and for the implementation of the Regional Committee resolution adopted in October 2011, i.e., “Managing the Use of public health pesticides in the face of the increasing burden of vector-borne diseases (EM/RC58/R.10).”

The consultation developed a framework for action on the sound management of public health pesticides (2012–2016). The specificied actions for countries and WHO within the framework were to:

  • develop a comprehensive pesticide policy and legislation
  • operate an effective pesticide registration scheme
  • ensure proper procurement, storage and distribution of pesticides, and disposal of pesticide containers and waste
  • establish effective pesticide quality control, enforcement of regulations and post-registration monitoring
  • ensure prudent and judicious application of pesticides for control of vectors and pests of public health importance.

The consultation issued recommendations to countries and WHO to develop relevant plans of action to implement the recommendations as stipulated in the Regional Framework for Action document to further strengthen the management of public health pesticides in the Eastern Mediterranean Region.

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Regional consultation on public health pesticides management in the Eastern Mediterreanan Region, Muscat, Oman, 5–7 December 2011 [pdf 132 kb]