WHO Regional Director Dr Hanan Balkhy concludes her first visit to Pakistan
Islamabad, 7 May, 2024 – WHO's Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Dr Hanan Balkhy, has concluded her inaugural visit to Pakistan. The comprehensive five-day mission spanned Islamabad, Peshawar and Lahore, and included high-level meetings with government officials, visits to WHO-supported health facilities, and participation in the...
Rafah incursion would substantially increase mortality and morbidity and further weaken an already broken health system
3 May 2024 – WHO is deeply concerned that a full-scale military operation in Rafah could lead to a bloodbath. More than 1.2 million people are currently sheltering in the area, many unable to move anywhere else. A new wave of displacement would exacerbate overcrowding, further limiting access to food, water, health and sanitation services,...
50 years of EPI’s extraordinary impact on global health
24 April 2024, Cairo, Egypt – World Immunization Week this year coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI). Such has been the programme’s remarkable impact on global health that the “E” in EPI today stands for “Essential”. Since 1974, this WHO initiative has inspired countries to use vaccines to do...
Opening statement by Director of Programme Management at the World Immunization Week press conference, 29 April 2024
Distinguished guests, esteemed colleagues, and members of the media, We warmly welcome you to this press conference to mark World Immunization Week. This year, the week coincides with a remarkable milestone – 50 years of the Expanded Programme on Immunization, or EPI. When launched in 1974, this WHO initiative started out with a limited series of...
Devising therapeutic patient education on diabetes to improve quality of life
24 April 2024, Cairo, Egypt – A Therapeutic Patient Education Expert Workshop held on 21–22 April made significant advances towards developing a regional curriculum for therapeutic patient education (TPE) on diabetes management. A diverse group of regional and global experts came together at the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean...
WHO Regional Director visits Islamic Republic of Iran to discuss health challenges and strengthen cooperation
25 April 2024, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran – Dr Hanan Balkhy concluded her first official visit to the Islamic Republic of Iran as the new WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean, which took place on 12–15 April. She met with officials and partners to discuss WHO’s work on the ground and how to strengthen collaborations and strategic...
Visiting Lebanon, WHO Regional Director affirms support to address multiple health system challenges
7 April 2024, Beirut, Lebanon – WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean Dr Hanan Balkhy concluded a 2-day visit to Beirut, Lebanon, last week at a time when hostilities are escalating on Lebanon’s southern border with Israel. The visit that took place on 2 and 3 April represented the third country visit on Dr Balkhy’s official tour of...
Be ONE VOICE against tobacco: call for video messages
Join our ONE VOICE campaign in the runup to World No Tobacco Day on 31 May 2024. To take part, record a short video message that speaks to your peers about the sneaky ways that tobacco companies try to get young people hooked on nicotine. You can submit a video if you’re a young person aged 13–35 years and live in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean...
Six months of war leave Al-Shifa hospital in ruins, WHO mission reports
6 April 2024, Jerusalem, Cairo, Geneva - A WHO-led multi-agency mission accessed Al-Shifa Hospital in north Gaza on 5 April to conduct a preliminary assessment of the extent of destruction and identify needs to guide future efforts to restore the facility. The highly complex mission was conducted in close partnership with the United Nations Office for...
Message from Dr Hanan Balkhy WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean on the occasion of World Health Day
7 April 2024 Health is a human right, not a privilege. But all too often, that right is compromised. That’s why WHO has chosen “My health, my right” as the theme for World Health Day 2024. It is a critical issue in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Our Region is home to 38% of all people in need of humanitarian aid globally. Conflict and natural...