Egypt receives third batch of 1 766 400 AstraZeneca vaccines through the COVAX Facility

To increase vaccination rates in Egypt the Ministry of Health and Population has opened more than 400 vaccination centres in the past few months


CAIRO, 16 August 2021 – Egypt has received an additional 1 766 400 COVID-19 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine in a third batch of vaccines delivered via the COVAX Facility. This delivery will provide an important boost to the ongoing COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Egypt.

The arrival of the vaccines is important at this stage to address the lack of vaccines that Egypt, like many other countries, is facing. Egypt has scaled up its vaccination rates in the past few months, opening many vaccination centres across the country that have the capacity to vaccinate thousands of people per day. Egypt is also among the few countries where vaccination is offered not only to Egyptians, but to all people in Egypt, including refugees and migrants.

“Few interventions in the history of public health can compare with the impact of vaccines and their vital role in saving millions of lives. It is our shared responsibility and accountability to protect ourselves, our loved ones and communities by getting vaccinated,” stated Dr Naeema Al Gasseer, WHO Representative in Egypt, adding “We need to reach 70% of the population with vaccination as a critical milestone in halting the pandemic. We as WHO with our partners, including civil society, call for equity of vaccine allocation leaving no one behind to fully support the Government’s efforts to increase availability and production of vaccines to cover all people living in Egypt and beyond”. 

“This delivery is important for Egypt as we increase momentum for the deployment of the vaccine nationwide, accompanied by an increase in demand from people in Egypt, which is very encouraging,” said Jeremy Hopkins, UNICEF Representative in Egypt. “Although global vaccine demand vastly exceeds supply, UNICEF, with the generous support of its donors, continues to work hard to support the relentless efforts of the Ministry of Health and Population to contain the pandemic, and in collaboration with a broad range of partners to mitigate its secondary impact on children, who are often the hardest hit,” he added.

Canada's Ambassador to Egypt H.E. Louis Dumas said, “Vaccinating the world against COVID-19 is our best chance of ending the acute phase of the pandemic, because no one is safe until we are all safe. Canada is committed to doing its part to support equitable access to safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines around the world, including Egypt.”

Ambassador Christian Berger, Head of the European Union Delegation to Egypt said: "Today COVAX delivered its third shipment of vaccines to Egypt, offering additional access to vaccines for Egyptian citizens. Team Europe is providing €2.47 billion in support of the COVAX Facility globally. We will come out stronger together with our partners in Egypt."

German's Ambassador to Egypt Frank Hartmann said, "Seeing this new vaccine delivery arrive in Egypt, with many more to come, is a great joint success. COVAX is not a one-off project, it is an ongoing commitment. Germany as ACT-A's second largest donor will spare no effort to further support and advance this powerful multilateral instrument. Only together can we assure long-term success in our fight against the global pandemic."  

Italy's Ambassador to Egypt Giampaolo Cantini said, "Italy is strongly committed to promoting access to vaccinations worldwide, with a specific attention to the Middle East and North Africa region, as shown by our support of COVAX, with an overall pledged financial contribution of over €380 million and a donation of 15 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines before the end of 2021. Furthermore, as President of the G20, Italy has brought to the centre of its agenda the need for a multi-dimensional response to COVID-19. On 21 May, in Rome, Italy and the European Union co-hosted the Global Health Summit, which has adopted the “Rome Declaration”, containing principles and guidelines to prevent and address future health crises.

Japan's Ambassador to Egypt, Noke Masaki said, “I am delighted to see the arrival of additional doses through the COVAX Facility, especially as Japan co-hosted with Gavi - the Vaccine Alliance, the Summit on COVAX in June and announced the contribution of US$ 1 billion, more than 10% of allocations to COVAX. I also hope to see the positive impact of our support through UNICEF for cold storage of vaccines to 760 posts across Egypt by the end of August. Japan’s cooperation to Egypt in the fight against COVID-19 amounts to more than US$ 250 million, including the provision of Japanese medical equipment and support for vulnerable women and children. Japan will continue to support Egyptian efforts under the concept of human security leaving no one behind”.

"An early expansion of vaccine supply is the most necessary short-term prescription to ensure equitable access to vaccines. That is why the Republic of Korea pledges a contribution of a total of US$ 100 million this year, and in 2022 another US$ 100 million in the form of a combination of financial and in-kind contribution to the Gavi COVAX Advance Commitment. I hope this will also be a friendly gesture to the Egyptian people to overcome the pandemic together," said Republic of Korea's Ambassador to Egypt Mr Hong Jin-wook.

The Swedish Ambassador to Egypt Håkan Emsgård said, “Bringing an end to the COVID-19 pandemic is the most pressing challenge of our time and nobody is safe until everyone is safe. Global access to vaccines is not just a question of solidarity – without vaccines, there is an increased risk of harmful mutations, economic recovery will be hampered and years of development risk being lost. This is why Sweden is already one of the world’s largest donors to the COVAX Facility. We will continue to work for vaccine equity with our partners in the EU and beyond to ensure a fairer distribution of vaccines.

The British Ambassador to Egypt Sir Geoffrey Adams said, "The arrival of this third COVAX shipment comes at a crucial time, with the pandemic continuing to present challenges as new variants emerge worldwide. I am proud that the United Kingdom is one of the largest donors to the COVAX Facility, which is providing vaccines to protect millions of Egyptians. The United Kingdom is committed to ensuring equitable vaccine access to all.”

U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Jonathan R. Cohen noted, "As a partner of Egypt in the fight against COVID-19, and the largest donor to COVAX worldwide, the United States welcomes this arrival of another 1.76 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to protect the Egyptian people.”

Notes to editors 

Download multimedia content, including photos and B-roll of the vaccines landing in Cairo, Egypt after being transported by UNICEF (additional multimedia material will be updated)

List of donor pledges to the Gavi COVAX AMC 

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