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About the Eastern Mediterranean Region

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority for public health within the United Nations system. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean is one of WHO’s 6 regional offices around the world. It serves the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, which comprises 21 Member States and occupied Palestinian territory (including East Jerusalem), with a population of nearly 745 million people.

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Volume 31, issue 1, January 2025


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17 October 2016 – At least 5 people, including 2 children and 2 women, were reportedly killed when a primary health care centre in Kafr Zita, northern Hama governorate, Syria, was hit on 15 October. At least 10 others were injured, including 2 health staff.  

The centre sustained major damages and is temporarily out of service. Hundreds of people are now deprived of medical consultations. On a monthly basis, the centre was providing more than 900 consultations and 4 obstetric deliveries.

As violence continues across the country, the numbers of health facilities destroyed or damaged by attacks are increasing, leaving growing numbers of patients with limited access to urgently need health care. This year alone, more than 90 attacks have occurred on health facilities in the Syrian Arab Republic.

Health care workers and patients should never be targets of military attacks. Health facilities operating in these challenging environments must be allowed to do so without the threat of attack.

WHO again calls on all parties to the conflict in Syria to abide by their obligations under international law and to stop attacks against health workers and health facilities.

Related links

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2286 (2016)

WHO health emergencies

Almost daily, health care is targeted in Syria, 24 August 2016

WHO condemns attack on Abs Hospital and calls for protection of health staff and facilities in Yemen, 17 August 2016

For additional information: 

Rana Sidani
Senior Communication Officer
Mobile: +20 1099756506 
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.