Thanks to support from the Government of Germany, WHO delivers mobile clinics to Benghazi

WHO-team_-German_Ambassador-in-LibyaGerman Ambassador to Libya Michael Unmacht greets WHO staff member on delivery of the ambulances

11 August 2022 – Using a generous contribution from the Government of Germany, WHO has delivered 2 fully equipped mobile clinics to the Directorate of Health Services in Benghazi to supplement primary health care services in the municipality.  

These mobile clinics will support WHO’s efforts to increase the availability of emergency health care services for vulnerable people including immigrants. The clinics will primarily target internally displaced people and migrants in remote areas who have little access to health care. Each clinic provides a wide range of services, with a special focus on children and women. Gynaecological, internal and paediatric consultations are among the services offered.

In collaboration with its health partners and local authorities, WHO is continuing to train health care staff and provide life-saving medicines, supplies and equipment to help save lives and alleviate suffering in the conflict-affected country.

Ms Elizabeth Hoff, the WHO Representative in Libya, said she was extremely grateful to Germany for its unwavering support. “Over the past few years, we’ve had excellent collaboration with the Government of Germany. Its continued funding is helping us strengthen outreach services in remote communities where health facilities do not exist, are not functional or are inaccessible. We will continue our efforts to scale up mobile clinics to help more people who may have no other access to health care.”

German-Ambassador-and-General-Directorate-of-Health-ServicesA team from the WHO country office together with the German Ambassador in Libya and the General Director of Health Services in Benghazi in a field visit to a WHO warehouse in Benghazi