Urgently needed medicines and medical supplies delivered to east Mosul

Erbil 15 February 2017 - The World Health Organization (WHO) has responded to an acute shortage of medical supplies in the newly retaken areas of Mosul by delivering medicines and other medical supplies to 16 primary health centers, one hospital and the Directorate of Health (DOH) in Ninewa. The donation will support treatment of patients with infectious diseases, chronic conditions, diarrheal diseases and trauma cases who have been deprived of medical care. 

The supplies, part of which are an in-kind donation from the Government of Norway, consist of medical equipment, medications, 4 full interagency emergency health kits, 96 basic emergency health kits, 10 surgical kits and one full interagency diarrhoeal disease kits and are sufficient to treat 200 000 patients. 

With the bigger part of East Mosul now accessible and with free health care, health facilities are receiving an influx of patients, these essential medicines will allow replenishment of primary health care stocks that will enable health workers continue providing medical care to people who urgently need them. This will also assist health facilities to function at all times with adequate amount of supplies with assured quality.

To enhance its support in newly accessible parts of Iraq, WHO has prepositioned emergency medical supplies in Erbil and Baghdad to support the Ministry of Health swiftly respond to the needs and gaps faced by health facilities and health partners. 

WHO and the Directorates of Health are closely monitoring health events, including shortages of medicines and other medical supplies in East Mosul and will work with the Ministry of Health to ensure continuum in the delivery of primary health care services for host communities and displaced persons. 

Over the coming weeks, WHO will work with the Ministry of Health to establish 3 additional field hospitals in strategic areas in response to west Mosul operations to ensure access to and availability of trauma care services. WHO, in support of health partners, is also working to establish several trauma stabilization points in the southern side of Mosul to ensure triage, stabilization and referral of complicated trauma cases to the nearest specialized hospitals.

In light of the humanitarian situation in the country, particularly in Mosul and other surrounding districts, WHO is appealing for US$ 65 million to support health interventions until the end of 2017 out of which US$ 14 million (21%) has been received leaving a funding gap of 79%.