WHO steps up medical preparations in response to west Mosul operations

Baghdad, Iraq, 28 February 2017 – As military operations in west Mosul, Iraq, begin, the World Health Organization (WHO) is scaling up its response in support of the Ministry of Health to meet the urgent health needs of 750 000 west Mosul residents who are expected to require trauma care and basic health services. Additional trauma stabilization points, field hospitals, and primary health care centres are being established. Medicines and medical supplies have been propositioned in Erbil, Duhok and Ninewa governorates. Additional ambulances and mobile medical clinics are on route to frontline areas to support services by local health authorities in camps and newly accessible areas.

"We are continuing to unite efforts with national health authorities and partners to make sure that we can quickly and effectively respond to health needs and prevent unnecessary loss of life," said Altaf Musani, WHO Representative for Iraq. “Trauma care services are our top priority and coordination is ongoing with Erbil and Ninewa health authorities to streamline referral pathways and scale up ambulatory services.”

Following the establishing of the first field hospital in Bartella area of Mosul in January 2017 with support from WHO, construction of 2 additional field hospitals in Athba and Hamam Alil is ongoing and due to be completed in early March. Additionally, and in line with the Organization’s 2-level strategy of trauma care and basic health services in internally displaced persons camps, 2 new primary health care centres in Hammam Alil and Debaga's 2 camps will provide a comprehensive package of health care services to newly displaced populations fleeing west Mosul towards Hamam Alil town. Five additional mobile medical clinics and 30 ambulances will soon be deployed to Ninawa governorate for use in west Mosul and surrounding areas.

Medicines and medical supplies, including surgical kits and trauma stabilization items, have been delivered to local health authorities and WHO implementing partners in Erbil, Ninewa, and Duhok to support health facilities in east Mosul in anticipation of the increased caseload.

Since the beginning of Mosul operations on 17 October 2016, a total of 4483 casualties have been treated at 4 emergency hospitals in Erbil, Mosul and Duhok governorates. An additional half a million consultations registered in response to the needs of patients from Mosul and surrounding areas have been provided with health care services.

WHO’s response activities for west Mosul have been made possible through funds from the Government of the Russian Federation, Government of Japan, Government of Kuwait, the United States Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), and the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). However, more US$ 51 (79%) of required funds remain unfunded.

For more information, please contact:

Ms Ajyal Sultany
Communications Officer
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Ms Pauline Ajello
Communications Officer
+964 7510101460
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