Cancer research agency leads world in studying causes

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) was established in 1965 with the main goal of identifying the causes of cancer so preventive measures can be taken against them.

Based in Lyon, France, the agency coordinates and conducts epidemiological and laboratory research concentrating on human cancer and the relationships between people and the environment.

Its four main objectives are to monitor global occurrence of cancer, identify its causes, explain the mechanisms of carcinogenesis and develop scientific strategies to control the disease.

IARC closely collaborates with the International Association for Cancer Registries (IACR) to play a leading role in global cancer registration by studying cancer incidence, mortality and survival throughout the world.

Over 900 agents and exposures have been examined in laboratories, epidemiological studies and working group meetings to try to identify those which cause cancer. IARC programmes aim at finding approaches to avoid cancer through primary prevention and early detection.

The agency also serves as a special forum providing support for international collaboration in cancer research.

Related links

The World Health Organization's fight against cancer: strategies that prevent, cure and care

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)