Dr Salim Al Waheibi, Director General of Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Oman, presents certificates to participants at the second national course on public health emergency managementA 5-day was held from 2 to 6 February 2013. This course covered the technical, managerial and policy aspects in the management of public health emergencies with the aim to enhance national, regional and local capacity to manage emergencies.
More than 40 senior and mid-level managers working in health and health-related sectors participated. Two WHO experts supported the national team in facilitating this workshop. This 5-day course was an adaptation of the original 12-day course conducted last year as part of the WHO/European Union/Ministry of Health project on biosafety and biosecurity.
Related link
WHO/European Union/Ministry of Health project on biosafety and biosecurity
Participants of the workshop on public health emergency management pose for a group photo