Attacks on health care during the Great March of Return in Gaza

11 April, 2019 - The World Health Organization has recorded an unprecedented 446 attacks on health care in Gaza since the start of the Great March of Return on 30th March 2018. These attacks have resulted in 3 deaths and 731 injuries among health workers. 104 ambulances and 6 other forms of health transport have been damaged, in addition to 5 health facilities and 1 hospital.

Ahmed, a 25 year old volunteer first aid worker with the Palestinian Medical Relief Society (PMRS), is among those hundreds of injured health workers. He was shot in both legs while providing care during the demonstrations in early May 2018. WHO spoke with Ahmed shortly after, and he discussed the impact of his injury: “Physically I’m feeling better, but mentally I feel destroyed. It’s hard to believe that I was shot. As paramedics and volunteers helping the injured we should be protected. I was wearing a vest that clearly showed I am a health worker. I was shot providing care to someone who was suffering with teargas inhalation. Imagine.”

In addition to personal risk and damage to health care, health workers also face substantial barriers to carrying out their work: firing between health workers and those injured prevents or hampers access and witnessing such events has significant implications for longer term mental health and continued work.

WHO reiterates its call for the protection of health workers and health facilities. Health care is #NotATarget. 


Download infographic: Attacks on health care during the Gaza Great March of Return