Saleem, a 16-year-old child with leukaemia, dies after barriers to hospital admission


Saleem An-Nawati was 16 years old from Gaza and had acute leukaemia diagnosed in late 2021. He was initially referred for an appointment at An-Najah University Hospital in Nablus in the West Bank on 28 November 2021, but he received no definitive response to his permit application in time for his appointment. Saleem was delayed a permit to reach treatment on two further occasions, for appointments at An-Najah Hospital on 6 and 19 December.

Finally, on 26 December 2021, Saleem travelled to Nablus accompanied by his uncle, after receiving a permit. However, on 21 December 2021 An-Najah University Hospital had announced that it would be unable to receive patients referred by the Palestinian Ministry of Health because of outstanding debts affecting the procurement of essential medicines and supplies. After reaching the hospital, Saleem was not admitted and instead went with his uncle to the department for referrals in Ramallah. The Services Purchasing Unit of the Ministry of Health tried to secure a referral to several Palestinian hospitals but none were able to accept Saleem, who had been referred for specialist investigations for acute leukaemia. On 3 January, the referrals department contacted Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv, where an appointment was secure for 9 January.

 After his travel to the West Bank, Saleem’s family appealed through different routes for his admission to hospital. condition deteriorated. After an appointment had been secured at Ichilov Hospital for 9 January, the family was advised that Saleem should return to Gaza in order to apply for a permit to reach the hospital as direct referral from the West Bank would not be possible.

During his time in the West Bank, Saleem’s health deteriorated substantially. On 9 January, he again attended the Services Purchasing Unit with his uncle trying to resolve the issue of his direct referral to Ichilov Hospital. Saleem was visibly unwell and was rushed to the Palestinian Medical Complex by ambulance as an emergency case, where he died shortly afterwards.