WHO and Italian Cooperation sign an agreement to strengthen the Palestinian health system, June 2018

WHO_and_The_Italian_Cooperation_sign_an_agreement_to_strengthen_the_Palestinian_health_system_Jerusalem, Wednesday 13 June 2018 - The Italian Cooperation and the WHO signed this morning a Cost Sharing Agreement related to the Programme “Health System strengthening in the occupied Palestinian territory” for a total amount of 300,000 euro. The initiative will ensure continuity with the ongoing WHO project funded by AICS Jerusalem in 2017 for 700,000 euro and aimed at strengthening the health system toward universal health coverage. 

The new project will support in particular the Palestinian Ministry of Health to consolidate the health system in the Family Practice (integrating different levels of care services and supporting the roll-out of the Family Practice Approach), the Health Information systems (consolidating the local capacity in analyzing data and produce valuable information) and the Cancer Registry (developing a standardized procedure for cancer reporting processes and enhancing quality and quantity of collected data). 

The Agreement has been signed by the Consul General of Italy in Jerusalem H.E. Fabio Sokolowicz and the WHO Representative Dr Gerald Rockenschaub, at the presence of the AICS Jerusalem Representative Ms. Cristina Natoli.