WHO delivers medical supplies: A lifeline to Gaza’s collapsing health system, July 2018

WHO_delivers_medical_supplies-July_2018_-_310 July, 2018, Gaza Strip –The World Health Organization is delivering 458 laboratory kits containing rapid diagnostic tests and laboratory reagents to cover the urgent needs of laboratories and blood banks in Gaza.

With resources from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), WHO has delivered 458 laboratory kits, which will support 13 major hospital based laboratories across the Gaza and the central blood bank.

“Laboratories are essential in the early detection of communicable diseases, playing a key role in the prevention of an outbreak, which is particularly crucial at this time when Gaza is facing increased environmental hazards due to the lack of electricity and water supply. Furthermore, with the increasing number of complex limb injuries, the role of the laboratory is central for the appropriate diagnosis and care.”  said Dr Gerald Rockenschaub, WHO’s Head of Office for the West Bank and Gaza.

The current surge in humanitarian needs takes place against a backdrop of an extremely precarious humanitarian situation.  Drug and disposable supplies in Gaza are continuing to deplete, there is a shortage of health staff, and the fuel reserve for electricity, which is currently sustaining 14 public hospitals will be depleted by the middle of August.