Outbreak update – Cholera in Sudan, 21 December 2019

24 December 2019 – The Federal Ministry of Health of Sudan reported 2 new suspected cases of cholera during epidemiological week 51 (15–21 December 2019). The cumulative number of reported cases since the declaration of the cholera outbreak on 8 September 2019 is 346, including 11 associated deaths, giving a case–fatality rate of 3.17%. The attack rate was 0.6 per 10 000 population.

The latest suspected cases were reported from Gezira State on 16 December 2019 in the South Gezira locality. Previous suspected cases were last reported from Blue Nile State (Aldamazin locality) on 24 October 2019, Khartoum State (Umbadah locality) on 27 October 2019 and Sennar State on 11 December 2019.

Among all reported cases, 9.1% were children under-5 years of age and 61% were female. The most affected age groups were 45 years and above (29.8%), followed by those between 15 and 29.9 years of age (26.6%). Of the total number of cases, 97% were reported among unvaccinated people and only 3% were reported among those vaccinated.

The outbreak started on 28 August 2019 in the El Roseries locality of Blue Nile State before rapidly spreading to other localities, as well as spilling over into Sennar State. On 8 September 2019, the Federal Ministry of Health officially declared a cholera outbreak in Blue Nile State. Currently, there are 15 affected localities in the 4 states of Blue Nile State, Sennar, Khartoum and Al Jazirah. The highest reporting state was Blue Nile (204 cases) followed by Sennar (130 cases).

Of a total of 58 samples collected, 33 tested positive (by culture) for Vibrio cholerae at the National Public Health Laboratory of Sudan.

An oral cholera vaccine (OCV) campaign was implemented by the Ministry to contain the outbreak with the support of WHO, UNICEF and other partners. The campaign was implemented over 5 days from 12 to 16 October 2019. It targeted a total of 1.65 million people (one year and older) in Blue Nile and Sennar states. The campaign achieved 97.5% coverage in Sennar and 85% in Blue Nile State. A second OCV campaign was completed during week 47 in Blue Nile and Sennar states.

The Ministry is testing the suspected cases from the affected states and taking all necessary measures to control the outbreak. WHO continues to provide leadership and support as it implements activities with health authorities and partners for long-term prevention and control of the cholera outbreak through hotspot mapping; water, sanitation and hygiene activities; distribution of risk communication material; and support for case management, surveillance and laboratory investigations.

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