Strengthening Somalia’s health system and services through the COVID-19 response

A health care worker caring for her COVID-19 patient in De Martino Hospital isolation facility, Mogadishu ©WHO SomaliaA health care worker caring for her COVID-19 patient in De Martino Hospital isolation facility, Mogadishu. Photo: WHO SomaliaCairo, 21 October 2021 – Six experts from the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean travelled to Somalia between 26 and 30 September 2021 to review the country’s national and subnational COVID-19 response. Backed up by six additional Regional Office experts connecting virtually, the mission reviewed nine priority pillars of the response, namely: partnership and coordination; laboratory diagnostics; infection prevention and control (IPC); case management and clinical operations; health information and surveillance; risk communication and community engagement (RCCE); research and knowledge management; essential health services and systems; and COVID-19 vaccination.

The purpose of the technical mission was to support the country in reviewing the response to COVID-19, identify and document strengths and challenges, and provide recommendations to strengthen the response. Through desk reviews, on-site interviews and field visits organized by the WHO country office jointly with the Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services, the mission’s scope went beyond usual intra-action reviews (IARs).

Meetings and visits were conducted in Mogadishu (Banadir Region), Dhusamareb (Galmudug state) and Garowe (Puntland state) that included the Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services; the State Ministries of Health of Galmudug and Puntland; the National Public Health Reference Laboratory in Mogadishu; and the State Public Health Referral Laboratory Center in Puntland. The De Martino Hospital in Mogadishu, the Hanano Hospital in Dhusamareb, and an isolation facility in Garowe, Puntland were also visited, along with the De Martino Hospital vaccination site.

Mission team meets community health workers in Garowe, Puntland state, Somalia on 29 September 2021 ©WHO EMROMission team meets community health workers in Garowe, Puntland state, Somalia on 29 September 2021. Photo: WHO Regional Office for the Eastern MediterraneanAmid protracted conflicts, a fragmented political landscape, regular humanitarian emergencies and recent infectious disease outbreaks, responding effectively to COVID-19 in Somalia was a significant challenge. However, despite limited resources and a fragile health system, the successful implementation of key initiatives has led, and can lead to, stronger health services for improved health beyond the COVID-19 response. Among these initiatives, the mission team observed a promising programme for the scaling up of oxygen supply, notable progress on laboratory diagnostics and potential opportunities for the advancement of COVID-19 vaccination activities. Recommendations developed from mission findings will enable the strengthening of health systems and services beyond the COVID-19 response.

Related links

Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic: WHO’s action in countries, territories and areas, 2020

Weekly operational update on COVID-19 - 18 October 2021