Dr Naeema Al Gasseer, WHO Representative to Sudan, giving a dose of vitamin A to a child during the polio campaign in Sudan from 2 to 4 November 20158 November 2015 – More than 4 million children under the age of 5 have been targeted with oral polio vaccine during a 3-day national immunization day campaign in Sudan.
The campaign, which was carried out in 18 states of Sudan, will help to strengthen the community's immunity against poliovirus, said Dr Naeema Al Gasseer, WHO Representative in Sudan. Vitamin A supplements were also provided to children taking the vaccine during the supplementary immunization activity.
Sudan remains at high risk of importation of wild polio virus because of large numbers of people moving throughout the country. There are large numbers of internally displaced persons moving from areas of conflict in a number of states – 2.5 million refugees are being hosted in camps in 5 states in Darfur; 162 000 children under-5 years of age are inaccessible to vaccination teams in South Kordofan and Blue Nile States; and there is frequent movement between neighbouring countries, particularly during hajj and umra. The polio programme has worked to map nomadic populations, who are also considered at risk, to ensure that they can be reached with the vaccine during the campaign.
A team of WHO polio experts worked with Sudan's Expanded Programme on Immunization at federal and state level to support planning, train supervisors, vaccinators and volunteers and advocate among community leaders and politicians in support of the activity.
WHO continues to provide financial, technical and logistical support to the Ministry of Health and partners.